Chapter 8

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I stared down at him, it's been so long. He did find a great crew he did find what he wanted in life.

"Y/N is that you?" he puts the briefcase down and takes a step forward.

"Luffy you know this girl?!" retorted the ginger-haired still looking at me as I was insane.

I step back, shit. No, I'm not supposed to interact. I'm just to overlook this city not to meet up with my past life. My past life is behind me, I've moved on. After all, I did sacrifice everything for them. Luffy takes a hold of my wrist, oh no-no. Dofy wouldn't be happy at all, I need to go. My orders... I need to uphold them. I slowly step back.

"Luffy who's this?" asked the long-nosed guy looking at me up and down. I rolled my eyes and I kept walking back. I need to avoid this.

"She was my closest friend back when I was a child, she's the one who helped me with my training," 

I bit my lower lip, recalling the memories. No, those aren't important right now. I need to go, I'm already violating my orders. Just let go, dammit. I tried wrenching my grip but he kept his grip on me.

"Y/N? Don't you remember me? It's me, Luffy,"

 I remember too well Luffy. I whip my head in front of me averting my gaze. Not now, I have a duty to uphold, I'm not here to converse with my past life. I wrench my wrist out of Luffy's grip as a Bull capsizes and splashes water right where we are. I use this as an advantage and climb up the closest building up to its roof. Now, that was close. If anyone from the Family I would be screwed. Then in the horizon, I see a bird flying down to me, dropping a communication snail at me, I perched the bird on my shoulder as I heard Dofy's voice from the small snail.

Hello, Dofy. What do you require of me now?

Well, Y/N, I see you're familiar with Straw Hat. What a surprise, I'd like to kill the boy sometime and I hope you don't mind.

I couldn't respond to that. I kept on listening to him.

But your orders now are to help the CP9 with their mission. Understood?

Understood, where can I find them?

The Galley-La, they will await your arrival, now don't fail me Y/N.

At that, he cut off the connection, the Galley-La? Isn't that a shipwright company? I see they're in disguise. I wonder what they're after this time, there isn't a threat here really but them themselves. I let the bird go as I make my way to the Galley-La.

Honestly, it wasn't hard to find, it was a huge building that said Galley la, around its perimeter it had multiple stationed entrances lining from 1-10+. I decided to go through entrance two, I didn't ceremoniously use the front entrance I merely just jumped to the wall and there. I'm over. Now to find the boss...

Here's your chapter! Enjoy.


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