Chapter 9

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I'm over, I started walking towards the main building. I passed a few men, they glanced at me weirdly. Probably because I didn't have a consultant, it would be sketchy if you see an 18-year-old in black attire waltzing through their workplace. I turn the corner, passing a half-done ship on my right. A woman with blonde hair eyes me, was she in charge? Dofy could have once again been more specific about who the damn boss looked like. She started walking up towards me staring me down.

"Name and business," she prompted. We both bore our eyes into each other, having a staredown.

"Y/N L/N, and you are?" She chuckled, her gloved hand hovering over her mouth.

"I see, come with me," She pivoted 180, clutching her roll folder tight. So much for being polite, this is why I don't waste my time being polite. It takes too much effort being polite if the person you're talking isn't responding also in that way. If I mistook her for someone else and she knew nothing about the CP9, the CP9 and I are both screwed. Honestly.

She started sashaying off, as I took this as a gesture of following her. I clicked my tongue as I followed off her inside. We went past the director of the Galley-La, he flashed the lady a smile.

"Send me your reports to my office, Kalifa," So her name is Kalifa, was that alias for tricking everyone? Once again, I don't know.

She went through multiple staircases and halted us in front of two grand doors. She knocked once and then opened the door wide. She knocked her head and I went inside to see two men. One sitting on a throne, the other standing- all wearing black.

The man in the throne sat with his leg resting on the other knee. He had pastel pink hair and wore a gold-tinted head brace.

I stopped in the middle of the room  to  await for what I was going to be told, I crossed my arms. Kalifa closes the door and takes her place in front of the doors heels crossed.

The second man wore a suit, with a tall dark top hat. A white pigeon sat at his shoulder proudly, as his curly black hair falls at his shoulders.

"So it's you, I've heard stories about you," Says the pink-haired man on the throne. "I am Spandam and you're L/N. Am I correct?" I snort, he tugs off his glove.

"Mhmm, you're looking at her. So what do you want that Master wants to me to participate in?" He straightens.

"Getting straight to the point, aren't you?" he scoffs.

"Get to the point, I have many things to tend to," I lie, I don't have anything to do but this cocky bastard is so annoying. He raises his eyebrows.

"Feisty, fine fine. If you're so persistent. One of our men has spotted Nico Robin. I am highly aware that you know who she is," He starts. 

Nico Robin the only survivor from the dead city of Ohara, known to be the devil. Spotted aye, my Robin the assassin you are.

"We'd like to capture her and allow her to fulfil her duties to us, the CP9. She accepted on helping us recover the blueprints to the Pluton,"

That's what it is, I'm surprised Nico of all people agreed to help activate the Pluton of all things.

"And I am to?" I asked, tapping my foot furiously on the floor. Disturbing the pigeon the man's shoulder- who was now beside me.

"To aid the CP9 as support. With your abilities and the CP9 together there won't be any room for failure. I presume you've learnt how to use Haki?" I merely cross my arms, gripping the hem of the sleeve.

"You already know the answer to that Mr Pink hair," He leans back and rolls his eyes.

"Then it's settled, you are to work with Kaku one of our subordinates and," he points to the unnamed man next to me. "That is Rob Lucci, one of our strongest, once you have successfully helped us capture Nico Robin you're dismissed to your master," I nodded, turning around ready to walk to the door.

"I already knew that," I snapped, already close to Kalifa.

"Well, Kalifa go get her up to date with our plan. Rob go check on the rest of our squad. I'll see you all very soon,"

Rob dissipates out of the room with his pigeon as Kalifa and I walk out of the room to the main hallway.


Here you go I wrote/edited this during my Tech duty! Free time it literally is so, I hope you enjoy this. AND LET'S JUST BURST OPEN THE CHAMPAGNE!

SCHOOLS OUT! *does victory dance*




for two weeks, I'll try to write as much as I won't be doing any damn school work! 

Thanks for reading


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