Chapter 20

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There I could also hear the other shipwrights reasoning with him, Paulie was clearly furious. Paulie's screams echoed through the whole floor, catching everyone's attention at him. Iceburg almost killed must boil his blood, doesn't it? What's it to him anyway? As his constant cussing and bellows throughout the hospital, the doctor suggested us to let Iceburg rest. He started ushering out while the nurse goes out to the back to get more supplies for him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll get it, whatever it takes," Says Kalifa, her face no long tear-streaked. Rob was at her side, Hattori fluffing his feathers.

"Definitely, I can't wait to get out of here," I mumbled back silently, knowing that she heard me loud and clear. 

She turned her way with Rob and left me in the middle of the corridor, she pauses for a second.

"Do you as you please but come back before the Aqua Laguna starts,"  

At that she strolls off, to do what she wanted. I guess I was free for now, even with Iceburg in quarantine there were much more things to do. Like running Water Seven. Since usually Iceburg would make sure they're done. Sighing, I took my leave via open window. I received some weirded out glances but I shook it off as I looked around Water Seven. It was a mix of panicking and conversing. Some were still alarmed by the headlines and some were just trying to be normal. Like nothing happened last night. All I could hear were people hollering at each other, Bulls zooming through, and singing? Wait-singing? 

Swivelling around my way through the crowd I saw three people covered by a thin square piece of material, outlining their silhouettes. I could tell the two on the side were females by their body shape and the one in the middle was clearly a male after hearing him sing first.

"FRANKY!" He hollers, kicking down the material revealing his dance troupe as they took their iconic pose. 

The two girls joined his pose a few seconds later, bending down on their knees and twisting their arms clockwise so they were close to each other.  He breathed heavily, as he caught his breath after his intense idol dance to Water Seven. His eye slightly twitched as he caught his eye on something. Jumping onto a rail, I pulled myself to see him staring down Luffy. Shit, why are you a danger magnet Luffy? I facepalm. Franky starts hollering, startling the crowd below them.

"STRAW HAT COME OUT YOU GODDAMNED BASTARD!" He screeches, Luffy looks so confused as he raises his eyebrow.  

Nami says something to Luffy and realisation washes over his face in an instant. Some people start filing out to do their own business.

"OI SEA WATER PANTY GUY!" cussed Luffy from below, earning Franky's attention. 

A tick mark appeared on Franky's forehead.

"SO YOU'RE STRAW HAT LUFFY? I HEARD YOU CAUSED SOME RUCKUS WHILE I WAS GONE," The left over crowd pin their stares at Luffy.  Franky leaned to the side as his dancers did the same.

"WHEN I CAME I DIDN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW," One of his dancers panted really quickly and aggressively you could see the mist coming from her mouth.

"MY HOUSE WAS BROKEN INTO RUINS AND MY MEN WERE ALL BEATEN UP!" Franky raised his hands into an 'x' as he carried on with his little rant. "I CAN'T STAY BY IT, I PROBABLY WON'T STOP FOR A WEEK!" he declares. 

Nami pulls on Luffy's shoulder telling him to stand back, but Luffy wasn't planning on doing so.


He sounded like the chief when he was mad, I have to say that this was a tiny bit amusing until Nami chipped into the fight.

"THEN WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR 2 MILLION!?"  The citizens back away from Nami and Luffy creating a large semi-circle around them. I jumped down from the rail and walked closer.

Franky scoffed, his two girls at the side did the same.

"Ah, I've spent every penny! Where did you steal that money? Don't think you can just demand your money back when you're just petty little pirates," 

This angered Luffy more, he bunched up his fists. I walked around the stage and hopped up onto the steps. As Franky and Luffy had the remainder of their rants, I sprinted up the stairs as fast as I could. 

"HEYY!!! Get down here,"

 I wandered around the two girls, keeping out of their gazes. People below bunched together whispering to each other.

Franky was preparing his attack, a cyborg he is. You could tell from his abnormally sized fists. But to others, it appeared that he was just really buff. 

On his arms.

Yep, that totally made sense.

 The two girls followed in suit even though they didn't possess power as such as their master. Walking towards the arched back man, I was much shorter. Perfect. I sharply took a shot firstly at his collarbone with two of my fingers. He glanced back at me, gasping. His back was still arched, I kicked his Achilles with the top of my heel. Franky falls to his knees, I grab his large arms and held it behind him, obviously straining his back muscles, it was clear to me that only his front side of his body was a cyborg. By my theory, he would've been able to work on his back himself. I rested my heel on his middle back.

"Remeber no violence in public, sweetheart," His two dancers squatted at my attack. The leftover bystanders stand there gawking.

"Let go of me Lady," he spits, his head turned all the way to me.  I raised my eyebrows, he had something up his sleeve or arm you would say.

"Only if you don't cause a ruckus," Like he would agree to that but it was all a tactic. Luffy glanced at my limb lock on Franky.

"Lady, let of go of Franky," chimes one of his dancers. I rolled my eyes. Franky bites his lower lip.

"Fine, I promise," he says unconvincingly. 

Smirking, I let go of his hands and he releases the top half of them. He was dangling from the chains that retracted out of his hands. His side dancers glance at the edge, while Franky takes hold of the railing of the closest stall and somersaults into the sea.

"Y/N What are you doing here?!" yelled Luffy. I waved him off.

"He's dangerous, watch your back, his reflexes are sharp as hell," I jumped off the stage as water sprayed over the town. 


Luffy shakes his head and starts running for his opponent.

"Okay, then what about you?" He says, loud enough.

He starts swivelling his arms loosening all the strains while he runs to the dock.

"I'll help however we can just keep in mind the Aqua Laguna is due soon!" I yell, now closest to the dock. Luffy nods.

The water where Franky plunged in started gurgling, Luffy took his leap and readied his arm for a shot.

"Gomu Gomu..."

 Franky jumped out like a fish out of water, his arm extended like Luffy.

"I've heard about your ability! Strong Right!" he takes the first hit. The two parts of his arm breakaway by a long chain. It hits Luffy right in the gut, he soon lands on the dock gate. Franky's arm retracted back and Luffy falls to the ground.

"H-h-how did he do that?" whimpers Nami on the ground, drenched.

Oh, he was going to get it. Damn you cyborg.


I am so so so sorry this took ages to publish, I was so caught up on school work. But I did it, I'm sorry if you've been waiting. I'll try to regularly update for y'all.  Thanks for reading my work, school now awaits me.


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