Chapter 15

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Y'know when you get a nightmare and when you wake up you sometimes forget or couldn't grasp what actually happened? That lingering feeling its left in you, questioning what the frick just happened? Well, in this case, I was walking back to the Galley-La this way. Walking the boulevard silently I rewind back.

"Y/N, I've missed you. It's been so long since we met, I hope everyone back home is doing alright," He raised his hand to cup my cheek.


I couldn't even reply to him, I'm weak. Letting my emotions get a hold of me, I wave the thought away as I enter Kalifa's office. She glances at my slumped shoulders and senses my uncertainty.

"You're soaking wet brat, you said you'd be quick,"

Well, it would've been that way, but things happened you wouldn't understand. She lowers her glasses inspecting my wet clothing from top to bottom. I didn't even realise it was raining, well no wonder there wasn't anyone out-they'd left when the rain started.

"I got held up, I'll go get changed. May I know where my room is?" I say briskly, hoping she won't question me.

Kalifa questioning me would be the end of me, it'd be embarrassing and I wouldn't know what the outcome of me telling Kalifa about Luffy. But for sure, It'll be a big problem if she finds out that Luffy was my weakness. I couldn't bring myself to think about what I'd do if they harmed him.

"Down the hall on the left, wake up early. Five thirty sharp, meet me here," I dismiss myself to my room.

What are you doing to me Luffy?

I couldn't sleep that night, I was thinking of too many things to count. Looking over to my bedside table it was five twenty, jumping off the bed I slouched into the bathroom having a hot shower. What will life bring me today? I sigh feeling the hot water burn my shoulder. As I was lowering the temperature I glance out the window. Man, the sea was beautiful. Never knew something so vast could be so precious and endless.

After lathering myself with soap and rinsing off, a clothing rack with clothes on it was draped against my chair. One glance at it I groaned in distaste. I held the bottom piece up, I wrinkled my nose.

Damn you Kalifa and your skirts.

I tugged on my heels and found Kalifa walking down the hall. She gestures me to join her.

"You look good in it," she smiles to herself, clutching a folder to the chest.

 Hah, anyone would look good in a dress shirt and a skirt. I don't see the difference, other than my preference. She wore a pale beige turtleneck jacket with a short black skirt with knee-length boots. I adjusted the sleeve, scoffing.

"It's highly uncomfortable though,"

She snorts and knocks on two grand doors.

"Yes?" replies a masculine voice from inside. Kalifa leans forward, opening the door a little.

"This is Kalifa and Y/N,"

I hear him chuckle letting us in, walking into his office, it looked like he just had a conference with some men. The room was pretty large to be an office, it faced the sea showing all perfections and imperfections it showed.

"Morning Sir," I greeted, walking into his huge office.

 Mr Iceburg was standing up now facing us. He looked extremely tired, he is the Mayor and the President. Those roles came with big responsibilities.

"You must be tired, would you like any refreshments?" asks Kalifa still at the door, holding the doorknob tightly.

"Yes, I'd like some red tea," Kalifa nods and walks out leaving me with Mr Iceburg. 

He holds his hand to his chin, thinking deeply. Taking a seat in his chair he brought himself to say something.

"Y/N, I know you are new and all," he began. What did he want from me so suddenly? "Do you know the pirate, Straw Hat well? Before you enrolled here Kalifa told me you and that pirate were good friends," 

Good friends indeed, but how did Kalifa know this? All my past history was wiped when I joined Dofy's forces.

"We grew up together that is all sir, now did you hear anything from them regarding their ship?" I quickly wave off the subject, I'm going to interrogate Kalifa later for this. 

Mr Iceburg clasps his hands together and shook his head.

"No I haven't at all, they still seem pretty keen on their current ship. I have no idea what their Captain of there thinks, I'd prioritize the safety of my crew as I do with Water Seven," 

"I'm sure  the C-Captain has his reasons, sir," 

Why am I defending him now? Mr Iceburg raises his eyebrows intrigued at what I said.

"Certainly, do you have any records on Kaku's ongoing ship?" I nod.


Kalifa renters the room with a teapot steaming with tea inside it, she held the tray being cautious not to tip it everywhere. She walks over to his table and tips him a glass, Mr Iceburg murmurs his thanks. I turn my head to Kalifa as I feel her shoving a folder into my shoulder...

"Here you go sir," I hand him the folder and step back.

Mr Iceburg smiles and takes the folder. 

"I'd like to speak with Kalifa, you may do as you wish until curfew. We'll need everyone there then," 

"Thank you, sir," I walked out of his office.

Curfew wasn't in two hours, great I'm going to get breakfast. 

Who knew Water Seven was more lively in the morning? Everyone was up and about, selling, shopping. Kids were walking around happily, people were already renting out Bulls. Foosha Village used to be this lively back then. Makino used to always encourage me to help her open the shop early every day. That was nice I guess, I hope she's doing well. 

I bought my breakfast and decided out to go to have a walk on the beach. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I was close to the Galley-La anyway. Everyone seems happy here, a full family, friends all things that I don't mutually have. I wish I did, but I don't deserve anything anyway. 

"I promise I'll find you after I leave, I won't ever forget you and this village. We've made so many memories here, I'm not just going to erase them all," He says sincerely.

I hold the end of his shirt tightly.

"That goes the same for me, I can't just wait for you to come and find me," I say into his shoulder. Luffy laughs.


Some promise it came to be, it was more one-sided now. I had forgotten all about it. For four years I thought I was doing great keeping my bargain up to help my home, but it just ends up haunting me. Four years later I see the one that I didn't expect to ever see again, my enemy, my best friend...


I hope everyone is having a good week, I just checked Wattpad and this story has 1K reads and 61 votes! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Here is the chapter you've probably waited for so here y'all go, enjoy. Vote/comment if you like, if there's you'd like me to add in just DM me ;D


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