Chapter 12

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"Wait, do you know Mr Iceburg?" asks the Ginger hair, she grounds herself using her heel.

Kaku chuckles raises a hand into the air. We all await his response.

"How could I not? He is the mayor of this city," he shrugs. 

That blue-haired dude was the mayor? Now that was a surprise. I only thought he was the president of the Galley-La. Clearly, that wasn't the case.

"EH?!" shuffles Usopp in awe, not expecting this. Kaku puts his hands on hips.

"Not only he's the president of the Galley-La he mans the Water station with all the Sea Trains,"

Sea train, interesting. Suggesting that Water Seven is water distributed city, it would make sense to have a water train but a sea train. A train that cuts through the sea? Impressive.

"So you're saying he's the one with all the power here in Water Seven," says Luffy. 

The one having all the power sounds stressful. I mean there are heaps of things you have to worry about when you're handling everything even if you have multiple assistants.

"So can we see Iceburg?" Asks Luffy, repeating the Ginger haired question.

 I soon found out that her name was Nami. She was the navigator on Luffy's crew and Usopp was the sniper in the crew. Interesting bunch. Kaku rests his fingers on his chin.

"Well, Mr Iceburg is a busy man," Kaku starts. "You just want your ship to be repaired right?"

The three pirates nod, confirming Kaku's suggestion. Kaku starts stretching and looked ready to race someone.

"Where's your ship docked?" He asks. Wait- was he going to leave me here with them? Oh god.

"It's docked at the Peninsula," replies Nami- quickly still surveying with what Kaku was going to do.

"Well then, I'll go check the condition of the ship so when you see Mr Iceburg it'll be a faster transition, also by having this way you could already start negotiating prices,"

"Wait Kaku-" I bunched up his collar, pulling him down to my height. 

"What now?" He asks as I glance at the pirates talking amongst themselves, they haven't suspected a thing so far. He looks at me.

"You're going to leave me with them, while you check out their ship? What am I supposed to do?" I said gritting my teeth. He waves my hand off his collar and returns to his tall figure. He clicks his fingers releasing all the tense pressure.

"I'll only be gone for ten minutes, calm down woman, they're only pirates afterall," He says adjusting his cap. 

Calm down? How can I? They're captain and I go far back enough and I don't want to go back to those days.

Kaku turns back to the pirates, the three of them straighten.

"I'll be gone for 10 minutes," Usopp stops him short, clearly confused.

"Won't you need to hire a Yagara Bull?" He asks, Kaku waves the idea away.

"That'll take forever, again as I said, I'll be back in ten," He squats ready to sprint. He was going to run to the ship instead of using a Bull, I must say he is an efficient man.

"Ten minutes," Nami mouths to herself. While Kaku zips off entering the crowded city and I'm left with a situation I'm not to keen on going through with.

Nami turns to me.

"What's your name? Luffy was saying it before I didn't catch it, oh and I'm Nami," she said, holding her hand out. 

What a great way to ask for a name in front of people who I shouldn't be conversing with. I'm his enemy and that was final. I shook her hand.

"That's because I didn't throw it at you," I reply, Usopp bites his lower lip from laughing. Luffy steps forward trying to get me to say something.

"Y/N, why are you being so stubborn? You weren't so stubborn back then, the Y/N I knew was nice and considerate,"

You used the word back then, I've changed a lot since back then.

"I'm not and I don't know you. I don't know how you know my name," I say, feeling guilty.

 I have to start feeling guilty right now, as much as it's hard to say I have orders. It's clearly clear, that I'm a villain. I won't hide it.  I've done so many bad things to people, I didn't hold back and that shows how cruel of a person I am. I executed orders as fast as Dofy or any officer said to me. I've killed people on the orders of Dofy and every other officer and I did that with no hesitation. Yet here Luffy is here, happy and already fulfilling his dream. He doesn't need me going off and tainting everything he's worked for and this is all a coincidence I see him here of all places. Why are you so kind to me Luffy? When you find out I work for people who are against everything and want domination you'll have second thoughts.

The expression on Luffy's face grows. I bunch my fists.

"I merely just work here for Mr Iceburg and work with Kaku along with the other shipwrights,"

Luffy still intensely frowns at me, he knows it's me. He'd recognise me anywhere even after four years of being separated.

"Then how does Luffy know you so well Miss?" asks Usopp, he inches backwards.

"H-he must be mistaken for someone else," I stuttered, they're backing me into a corner.

"Luffy just doesn't go off and mistakes someone for someone else, Y/N," corrects Nami. 

That is true, too true. Luffy would know and recognise anyone he has met before in a heartbeat without any fault. I must say his crew is definitely smart, especially Nami.

"W-well, I guess I must resemble who he thinks I might be," I say shrugging, making sure I don't look suspicious.

"Why are you ignoring me Y/N? Remember our deal?" he questions.

The promise...

He remembers, but it flew through my mind after all these years.

"I-uh," I hold up my hands, I slowly twitch my eye. 

Suddenly, Nami's eyes widen and then she smiles. I look the way she's looking and she's found Kalifa and Mr Iceburg. I put a hand on my chest. Relieved. Usopp, however, spots Kaku in the midst of the city. He watches him climb up the clocktower effortlessly, then he free jumps off it as if he was a bird flying off its perch.

"HE FELL OFF!!" He screeches. Mr Iceburg arrives and is now standing next to me.

"It'll be alright, he does it all the time. People even started calling him Yamakaze, mountain wind,"

Nami raises her eyebrows. I shuffle ever so closer to Kalifa and clutch the folder tighter.

"Who are you?" She asks Mr Iceburg, Kalifa lowers her glasses as she glances at me. Mr Iceburg steps forward, straightening his button up top.

"Kaku is also known as the chief shipwright here, and me. I already know everything about you all."

Hey my beautiful readers,

This took way too long to write, I have no idea why- yes I do know why I was intensely editing this- so I hope you enjoy! The next chapter should be out as soon as possible, the holidays are being really helpful for me. More updates = more readers :P (my amazing logic)

Again, thanks for reading my writing!


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