Chapter 18

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Nami dragged me along with the rest of the crew, even though I wasn't a member of any type. Member or not, she forced me to get treated with their doctor. The pirates decided to stay a nearby inn, Luffy had gone out.  I must say their doctor is adorable. It's a reindeer who is sensitive, and who can talk. You don't see that every day, and who knows it might be able to kick ass. He didn't have hands but has hooves instead, how did he carry out treatments with hooves?  I mean you'd only have two? Two fingers to handle things, but it didn't stop Chopper. It was pretty late and I was probably going to get yelled at when I get back, but since when did Kalifa care about me? But I felt like something was going to happen tonight that required me to be there. Sadly my brain drew to a blank.

"Stay still Y/N-chan," says the focused doctor, bringing me back from my thoughts. He was currently putting gauze over my cuts.  

Chopper had cleaned up all of the little slits on my arms from the shuriken, Sanji was talking to Nami, half-serious. He was trying to get her mind off what happened. Looking up at the nearby clock it's 11:30, I should be heading out soon. Averting my gaze back at the reindeer, he swivels back to grab a pair of tweezers. I honestly don't know how he works with hooves.

"I appreciate the help, but I'm okay," I reply, "It's only on my arm," I looked over to arm and he was hurrying away with his tweezers.

"Well it's good that your Haki came in at the right time," he smiles.

In the room was Katana boy, Sanji and Nami, they were all facing the seafront. I have no idea how they feel right now but I can only imagine. Katana boy was in the corner watching Chopper's every move.

"How did you know about the fight, Y/N?" he asks, my eyes lookup. 

Katana boy finally breaks his silence. At his side, he has three swords in their scabbards. He looked fairly built and it was obvious he had received training from a higherup colleague. Well, how was I going to say this? I couldn't think of any excuses, I guess I was going to come clean. Only really Sanji knows but it didn't look like it mattered to him right now, because he was busy with Nami. I open my mouth to speak.

"Oh, and how does Luffy know you so well?" he shoots last minute. 

Oh man. 

"Okay, one question at a time," I growled, tensing.  I saw Chopper frown as he tries to wrap up my arm.  "One: Luffy and I go way back to when were children, Two: I was walking out on the beach and I heard people arguing and decided to check it out," 

He raises his eyebrow, smirking. I turn my head to Sanji.

"Oh and Sanji knows this," I smiled at the end.

Katana boy's face turned all the way to look at Sanji.

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything shitty eyebrows?" he scoffed, awaiting Sanji's reply. "They could've been dangerous or even an enemy,"

My, how accurate he is. The funny thing is he doesn't know that there's an assassin in the room. Sanji spins around and stoically stands. A tick mark appeared on his forehead, he must get annoyed when people call him eyebrows. His eyebrow-one- is swirly, I guess that's why it's picked on.

"When a lady tells you something not to tell anyone you don't tell and what did you just say shitty Marimo!?" I cover my mouth from laughing.

Sanji stuffs his hands in his pockets and butts heads with "Shitty Marimo" as he calls him. They both quickfire insults at each other until Nami interrupts. 

"Grow up  Zoro, Sanji,"

Sanji instantly melts and clasps his hands together. Zoro scoffed and decided to go out on a stroll outside. 

"Yes, Nami-swan!" 

She drags a chair and sits next to me while Chopper finishes with my arm. She turned it the other way round and took a seat. 

"So how far do you and Luffy go, c'mon tell me,"

 I back up and then murmured thanks to Chopper. She looked persistent and had a huge grin glued onto her face. Sanji stayed back and surveyed Chopper's movements.  I got up.

"Ahah, I better be going now..." I say nervously, it was already late and when you start talking about boys with a girl it'll just drag on. 

I jumped towards the window sill and that's when it hit me. I held a hand to my head, facepalming. Shit, it was the night we were going to attack. I still had a few minutes before I was officially late. Nami looked confused.

"Wait, Y/N," she holds out her hand to grab mine but I had already left. 

I hurried back to the Galley-La and there was Kalifa waiting for me. Walking towards her I knew I was screwed. As soon as I was face to face, she dragged me inside to my room.

"Where were you?" she whispers, not making any eye contact with me. We turn left and Kalifa swings my bedroom door open.

"I had important things to tend to and I did not forget that it was tonight," I slowly roll down my sleeve while Kalifa is looking away in my closet.

"Like?" she replied, pulling down her black face mask. Mr Iceburg wasn't going to expect this at all wasn't he and I just felt bad for him.

I wracked my brain for anything to shoot back at her, I couldn't explain what I just did. I was totally not going to tell her: Oh Kalifa, I was with the pirates helping them draw away a fight. 

"I-uh was, surverying the area! Yeah, so if we ever need to deploy combat I'd be more familiar with my surroundings," I say nervously as she throws me a black jumpsuit. She sniggers to herself. Did she buy it?

"Put this on and we'll rendezvous with the others, we do not plan on failing," I sigh, nodding my head. 

She shuts my closet shut and tells me to put it on, at least it isn't a form of skirt anyway...

Hello Hello Hello!

How are y'all today? I hope you are all well. I certainly hope you like both the new cover I made and this chapter.

Which cover did you like more this one or the old one?

 If there's anything please feel free to PM me if you'd like me to add anything into this fanfiction! Have a good day/night.


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