Chapter 14

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The Straw Hats found out the hard way from Kaku and everyone else but me. To bluntly put it, their ship was unrepairable. Kaku explained the problem with the keel of the ship and how it was vital. But it was irreplaceable. None of them exactly accepted this and insisted for repairs, as stubborn as they were Kaku was being as considerate as he could with the news.

Mr Iceburg gave them the idea of buying a new ship, but Luffy was insistent on saving his crew's current ship. He piped up the idea of having them remake their ship, but Lucci reasoned with them. There would be no two exact types of the same ship, ever, because every ship was made with different hands. They made their way out to realise Usopp disappeared. I heard Nami screech as I walked back to the main building with Kalifa and Mr Iceburg.

The day went past faster and it was currently 8:00 pm. I changed out of the skirt and blouse. I felt so much better in my normal clothes.

"Kalifa I'm going out for a patrol, I'll be back later," I say, taking my leave.

Kalifa silently replies at my departure. I rolled my hood over my head- I start my patrol. Surely there was something I could report back to Dofy that was important and helpful for his future plans for Dressrosa. The air was gustier because of how close we were to the sea and the fact that it was late. My skin tight pants and jacket didn't hold me back, I was lightweight and fast. I watch couples come out of bars either plastered close to each or other or insanely drunk. I chuckled to myself, what would they gain from getting drunk with their close companion? Nothing, I would rather spend my days doing productive things than getting drunk and getting laid afterwards. I grabbed the nearby pipe and swung off it landing on one of the footpaths. Keeping my hands in my pockets- also with my hood down- I walked down the boulevard, turning for the alleyway I bump into someone. Slightly taller, I could sense and was bustling with Haki.

"Oop, sorry sir I wasn't watching, good day," I say, quickly getting out of his way.

But my wrist was grabbed.

Inspecting the situation this was most probably a bandit of some kind, one that was most likely drunk. I tried shaking off his grip but he insisted, he slowly backed me into the dead end of the alleyway. He still hasn't said a word yet, no one could hear or see us. They would be more into the things they were doing than looking out for strangers being backed into a dark Alleyway.

"Please let me go, I don't want any trouble, sir,"

I was tempted to kick him, but that would trigger him as he was holding me. He'd have many advantages to counter my attack, so I decided to get out of this by talking out it. His head was tilted forward, so the hat he was wearing joined the angle. I couldn't see his face or what he was wearing at least.

"Y/N..." his voice cut through sharply. My legs start wobbling, have I just walked into Luffy? What-

Before I could do anything not even run, Luffy pressed me towards him engulfing me in one of the bear hugs he used to do all the time. His grip on my wrist fell, his hands were now hugging my waist also trapping my hands at the same time.


"Stop running Y/N I know it's you, I'll always know it's you. Don't try running from me again,"

His hug tightened and all I could do was feel my tears threatening to fall. He put his head in the crook of my neck, my arms start shaking. I slowly raise them returning the hug. It hurts to be reunited like this, especially because of all the things Luffy isn't aware of. He doesn't know that I've strayed from the easy happy life. My arms drop from his abdomen. I slowly step back, tears now free falling and my hood off. I haven't shaken so much since the incident- Why do I have to think of that right now!? The cold gold arrow around my neck reminds me of what I went through with Shanks. Why is my past cornering me? I sacrificed everything for them, I'm unworthy of their sympathy and love. I try to slowly slide my body back slowly inching away from Luffy, but he grabs my arm pulling me back towards him.He wipes my tears away, my lower lip was trembling so fast- it felt like I was facing the unbeatable enemy.

"Y/N, I've missed you. It's been so long since we met, I hope everyone back home is doing alright," He raised his hand to cup my cheek.


I couldn't talk straight, he didn't hear about it? Then he doesn't know about it, he'll be devastated when he finds out. I have no idea how Foosha village is going, I haven't gone back to check on them past these four years. I couldn't contain myself, all of my emotions came bombarding at me. All the memories of my childhood with Luffy, and everyone who made an effort to make me smile even in the worst situations. The people who took me in, the ones who allowed me to have the freedom of a child. Where there children out there who weren't exactly able to feel this, all my memories with Ace, Sabo and Garp even though they were a pain sometimes. Yet why do I feel this way? Why did I have to give all that up? I'm pathetic. More tears fall and I grip Luffy's vest, he sees this and gently places his forehead to mine. He closes his eyes.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything Y/N," he says. I look at his shoulder and it's slightly bleeding. Did he just get out of a fight with someone? Luffy pulls back smiling at me.

"Y-you're bleeding," I hoarsely say through all my crying.

"This? Yeah, we went to get Usopp and our money back from the Franky Family at their place, it got a bit violent I guess," He scratched the back of his head. So they did get Usopp back, but what happened to Usopp and at Franky's home?

"No need to cry Y/N," He tilts his head at me. I sniffle slightly.

I wipe away all my tears, standing tall. He finally notices something. He brings me closer to him and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I better go, see you later Y/N," He says as he stretches one of his hands to the top of the roof grappling into the ladder hold...


Currently, I'm being a couch potato and writing this for you. I had so much time this morning and this didn't take long to write up. Well here's the start of Y/N and Luffy's mature relationship, I'm trying to moderately get them together and not just speed it up. I'll try to do this in a minimal amount of chapters. I hope you guys are having a great morning/afternoon wherever you are in the world. I'm an also insanely not okay because Mr Love Queen's Choice is becoming an anime and I am so excited. Thank you so much for reading my writing!


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