Chapter 24

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Rob holds up a hand.  "No need to ruffle up a fight, captain," He chuckles slightly and he stuffs his hands in his pockets. Hattori flew away and perched against the headboard of the bed, a spectator of some sort.

Luffy bites his bottom lip, vein bulging on his forehead. Nami takes out a pole of some type from her waist that extended to double its size. Zoro's scabbards twitch as he holds the hilt of one of them. Chopper looked enraged and looked ready to fight anyone who would get at him, all our gazes directed towards Robin. As she sighed she shoves her hood down to cover all of her face and hair. Masked. Unrecognizable.

"I'll be leaving now," Her head dips and she ties the bottom of her hood. Rob grunts in return.

"You've done your part," he states to her. Everything pauses for a second until Robin starts walking towards the nearest window.

On the other hand, the pirates didn't buy it, Luffy takes longer strides but I don't let him go any further to interfere. I pin him down. My foot resting on his back, he slapped his hand on the floorboard.

"Y-Y/N why?" He stares at me, head-turning around. 

My heart clenched, tears were threatening to fall. I bit the inside of my lip. The sides of my eyes were burning, my lips fold inwards. I just had the urge to let him go, his brown eyes seemed vast to me and just sucked me in. Zoro advances at Kaku but the steam makes everything hard to see. Luffy's indelible hat flopped down slightly from his head. My eyes sinking deeper into his. I snapped my gaze away, applying pressure into my foot; keeping him down. As much as it hurt I had to...

"I-I-,' I try to say opening my mouth but no words come out to explain myself. My eyes pricked with tears. 

Luffy intently stared at me, sincerely. I couldn't... Luffy why do you do this to me?

 You mean so much. I sniffed slowly, I lifted my leg off of him I couldn't I just couldn't do it to him this time. All we've been through I couldn't. It didn't matter if they saw, this time I just can't. Luffy got up to face me, I couldn't bring my face to him. Steam fills the room and then the smell of burning.  I could catch Paulie's face contort in horror,

 Nico's name echoes off Nami's and Iceburg's tongue both asking for the same intention. Both pleading for her to not getaway. To not escape. The window slammed opened, wind bustling in freely; the curtains were blown aside giving Nico a clear passage. Rob stalked around the bedside along with Kaku at his side. Both men taking a stare at Paulie, his fingertips already inside the folds of his sleeves.

In a split second Kaku was in front of Paulie taking a shot and Rob tending to both Nami and Chopper who were clearly on the defence.  Katana boy was before me- both staring at his Captain and me. I received a snarky glare from Kalifa she'd seen the whole thing, I bit the inside of my tongue till I tasted my own blood. I had to do it, for them at home... Katana boy was ready for me. A fast fight is a good fight. All three katanas were out and ready to rumble. The side of his mouth tugged with the katana wedged between his teeth. I moved away from Luffy and he got dragged into another fight pitching in to help Paulie. 

"Useless I am," I whispered to myself, looking at my hand. I gritted my teeth.

Then bone and skin twisted against my ankle, Zoro. When did he get on the floor so fast and with his katana's unsheathed?

 The strength was undeniably strong causing me to tumble a few spaces in front of me; I was diving face forward towards the floor. I held my weight and inverted forwards. My hand touching the floor slightly to then landing flat on my feet-heels. Kaku had knocked out Chopper and Nami was with him now on the floor Iceburg groaning in pain. It was now Kaku vs Paulie and Luffy vs Rob. With Kalifa staring at me at every single move I took.

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