Hard to Say Goodbye

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We need you in the ER. Conrad's text read as I was finishing up with an injury in radiology.
"You're all set Mr. Browne. Our orthopedic surgeon will be in to consult with you shortly." I closed before leaving the room and rushing to the emergency room.
"I'm here, what is it?" I asked walking up to him.
"Elena's here." He looked at me grimly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Her arms broken. She claims she fell."
"Is he here?" I asked referring to my sister's no good boyfriend, Alec Norwood.
Conrad nodded.
"You've got me?" I asked.
"Always." He sighed.
I walked to the room where my sister was being treated with Alec by her side.
"You. Out. Now." I said without even looking at him.
"I don't have to go anywhere you pretentious bitch." He growled at me.
"Actually you do." Conrad managed very well to maintain his composure.
Better than I thought he would actually.
"And why is that?" He stood to him.
"You just verbally assaulted one of our doctors and that's grounds for immediate removal from the premises. You can leave on your own or I can escort you out. Your choice."
"This isn't over, you fucking bitch." Alec got right into my face.
I stared at him unmoving, unflinching and unwavering.
Conrad knew I didn't want him to interfere unless Alec actually tried to hurt me so he stood to the side, tense and at the ready.
"Conrad, will you escort Mr. Norwood out of the hospital." I said finally.
Conrad touched his shoulder causing Alec to swing at him. Conrad grabbed his swinging arm twisting it behind his back as the hospital security entered the room.
"We've got him, Dr. Hawkins. Dr. Bishop." Jason told us as he and his partner removed Alec Norwood from the room.
"You shouldn't have done that." My sister said from the hospital bed.
"Why?" I exclaimed exasperated.
"He's going to beat my ass too? It's not unnoticeable, Elena. I know he's hit you. I know he's the one that cracked your rib last month and I know he just broke your arm. What I don't understand is why you're putting up with it. Explain it to me." I begged her sitting beside her.
"I love him, Meghan. I love him like you love Conrad." She sighed.
"I love Conrad with every fiber of my being but if he raised his hand to me one time I'd leave him." I said.
"She would." Conrad confirmed.
"What do I do?" She asked.
"First, you leave him. No ultimatums no one more chance. Leave."
"Okay." She said quietly.
"I'll call mom to get you. He doesn't deserve you. Elena, he doesn't."
"I've got a quick errand to run but I'll be home soon." Conrad said after we pulled into the driveway.
I nodded. I was emotionally and physically drained from the day and dealing with my sister.
He kissed my head gently.
"Go get some rest. I'll wake you when I get home." He smiled at me.
"Okay, baby. I love you." I smiled back before climbing out of the car.
"I love you too."
I walked into the house, straight up to our bedroom and climbed in bed immediately falling asleep.
I woke up to wetness on my cheek.
"Conrad, what are you doing?" I muttered but when I reached up to touch him I was met with fur.
My eyes shot open and I was face to face with a small puppy.

My eyes shot open and I was face to face with a small puppy

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"Oh my God, Conrad! What is this?" I exclaimed.
"This little guy is Ace." He smiled at me.
"He's so cute." I took the puppy into my arms and he continued to lick my face.
"It occurred to me today while dealing with your sister's ex boyfriend that maybe we should get a puppy to grow into a guard dog. Having him here will make me feel better if we happen to work different shifts." He smiled petting Ace's head.
"He's perfect, Conrad." I smiled resting my head on his shoulder.
I woke up the next morning and Conrad wasn't in bed. Ace slept next to me so I climbed carefully out of bed as to not wake the slumbering puppy.
"Conrad? What's wrong, baby?" I asked walking into the living room where he was pacing a hole in the floor.
"Conrad, what's going on?" I asked again walking over to him forcing him to look at me.
"I'm being deployed to Afghanistan." He said finally.
"I... I thought you were out?" I asked.
"I am... I was but they don't have another medic. Everyone else is already with another company. Meghan, I'm so sorry." He took my face into both of his hands.
"No. Conrad, it's okay. I'd never forgive myself if I asked you to stay." I answered looking up into his face.
"I would if you asked me to." He said matter of factly.
"I know. I know. That's why I can't. You'd tear yourself apart if you didn't go and the men you're supposed to go with end up dead because you didn't go." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.
"And you'd end up resenting me for asking you to stay."
He shook his head.
"Yes. You would. And you'd have every right to. I don't want that. I don't want that because I love you and I don't want to go through this life without you or with you hating me. So, go. Serve our country. Do your job. Then come back to me."
"I'll always come back to you. Meghan, I love you."
He kissed me hard.
"Go on. Go. Before I change my mind." I sighed after our kiss broke, unable to even look at him.
I felt him walk away from me and heard the door open.
"Conrad." I called his name and turned around to look at him one more time.
"You be careful, you hear me." I forced out through my tears as I focused on memorizing his face.
"I will, Meghan. I love you."
"I love you too. So much."
He smiled at me as a rouge tear fell from his eye. He closed the door behind him and was gone.
I fell to my knees in the middle of the living room and just cried while little Ace climbed up into my lap and started licking my tears away.

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