The Elopement

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Ross Logan was a washed up baseball star from the Atlanta Braves laying in our VIP suite being prepped for surgery on his torn ACL. Something about him didn't sit right with me from the moment he was admitted.
"I'm not going in that room alone with him." I told Conrad that afternoon.
"If you're uncomfortable you don't have to go up there without me, okay? You know I won't let anything happen to you." He assured me.
"I know." I smiled at him and kissed him gently.
Mitchell Dunn was an eighty year old cancer patient under the care of Lane Hunter who was admitted at the same time as Ross Logan.
"You know this surgery cannot be performed safely. He's too weak and sick to survive it." Conrad complained to Lane.
"Of course it can be." Jude interjected.
I shook my head while I sat at the nurses station around the corner from where the voices carried from.
"See, Dr. Silva has faith he can perform the surgery without complications." Lane said smugly.
"He's going to end up dead." Conrad hissed walking towards me.
"Don't forget who I am, Conrad." Lane followed him and seemingly didn't see me.
"I am the head of oncology. You are a washed up army medic with PTSD turned third year resident."
My face turned red and my blood started boiling listening to her talk down to Conrad that way.
I stood up and caught her eye and she froze looking at me.
The difference between Conrad and myself was that I came from an affluent, well respected family out of Georgia so she wasn't able to try to intimidate me by threatening to spread lies about my mental state.
Little did she know that my father's approval of Conrad would have more power than anything she said about him.
"Fine. No surgery." She growled at him her eyes never leaving mine.
"It never ceases to amaze me how terrified she is of you." Conrad smirked at me after she stormed away.
"It's not me she's afraid of. It's my family name that scares both her and Bell." I sighed.
"Being the daughter of the district attorney makes you terrifying." He chuckled hugging me.
"Conrad." A man said his name from behind me.
I turned and saw an older man in a business suit with extremely short pale red hair and brown eyes.
"Meghan. This is my father, Marshall Winthrop." He said gripping my waist a little tighter.
"Dad, this is my fiancee, Dr. Meghan Bishop."
"Fiancee?" He said eyeing me.
"I didn't recieve an invitation."
"We haven't sent them out yet." I answered.
"Hmm... when is the wedding?"
"March seventeenth." Conrad answered harshly.
"Conrad." I said quietly touching his hand lightly.
"I'm your father. Do you not think I should be in attendance at your wedding?" He countered.
"Perhaps you should go. Conrad and I are the only ones able to decide who will be in attendance at our wedding and we are going to need time to discuss this." I interrupted before Conrad could answer.
I could feel his anger through his grip on my waist. He wasn't hurting me but I knew he was angry.
Marshall Winthrop looked at me a moment before turning on his heel and walking away.
"You didn't need to save him from getting punched in the face." Conrad sighed.
"You can punch him if you really need to but not here. We're at work." I sighed.
"You're not going to leave me if I hit him?" He teased.
"I mean I'd like to know why you need to hit him but I'm in this. I'm all in."
"Even before my parent's divorce he was never really there for me. After the divorce I never saw him. He was too busy for me. I was fourteen when mom was diagnosed with Leukemia and he still wasn't there. I watched her die for years and he wasn't there for me. Then he wanted to be at my wedding to Catherine and he just pushes my buttons on purpose." He explained.
I pondered this new information for a moment.
"Why don't we sit down with him together and find out why he's really here? It's not about the wedding. He wants something. I think that people change and it's been eleven years. It's not going to hurt us to sit down with him and make an informed decision on whether to invite him or not." I suggested.
"Clearly, you're my voice of reason." He sighed.
"Of course I am. We're partners." I smiled at him.
"Meghan, you're not going to believe this. That prick sent me a dick pic." Nic exclaimed exasperated.
"You're not serious? I told you I didn't want to be alone with him." I leaned on Conrad's chest.
"Tomorrow he'll be gone and neither of you will have to deal with him again." Conrad soothed me rubbing my back.
"Unsolicited dick pics are just disrespectful." Nic sighed.
"You could always report him for sexual harassment." I shrugged.
"Maybe. I have to do something." She sighed again before walking off seemingly lost in thought.
"Is she okay?" Conrad asked watching her leave.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I hope so." I muttered.
"The call button in Mitchell Dunn's room just flicked on."
Conrad and I rushed to the room and found Mr. Dunn sitting up with his legs swung over the edge of the bed and Ms. Dina Rose, his girlfriend standing at his side.
"I've decided I want to have the surgery Dr. Hunter suggested but I want to do something first." He told us.
"If you're certain that's what you want to do." Conrad sighed.
"Either way my days are numbered. I want to marry my girl, Dr. Hawkins. Can you help me?"
I looked at my fiance and smiled.
"We can do that." I smiled at him.
Conrad and I arranged for Mr. Dunn and Ms. Rose to meet in the hospital chapel for an impromptu wedding with Conrad and I as witnesses.
I looked up at him and took his hand while we watched the union taking place before us. He looked at me and smiled before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.
"Are you two getting married too?" The new Mrs. Dunn asked us having caught our kiss.
"In March, yes." I smiled at her as Conrad wrapped his arm around me.
"Is there a significance to your date?" She asked.
"There is. It's my mom's birthday. She passed away in June and we decided to get married on her birthday as a way to have her there with us." I answered.
"We are so sorry for your loss." Mr. Dunn smiled sadly at me.
"Thank you. We know she's watching over us." I smiled up at Conrad again.
He kissed my forehead gently as the new Mr. and Mrs. Dunn walked back to his hospital room.

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