Stupid Things in the Name of Sex

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I woke to Sarah fussing in her bassinet next to me. I sat up so I could pick up our ten day old daughter. We finally got a rythm down for her latching onto my breast and she happily began eating.
I moved with her attached to me into the arm chair by our bedroom window so we wouldn't wake Conrad.
I watched the stars twinkle in the sky until Sarah finished eating and gently burped her before changing her diaper and rocking her back to sleep.
Conrad wrapped his arm around me when I climbed back into bed.
"How is she?" He whispered holding me.
"She's perfect. Fed, changed and back to sleep." I answered.
"And how are you?" He kissed my head.
"I'm tired. Overwhelmed but in a good way. She's so much more than I imagined. It blows me away how much she looks like you." I sighed happily.
"I think she looks like us." He assured me.
"I like seeing your eyes when she looks at me." I turned in his arms as carefully as I could.
I was still bleeding somewhat heavily after the birth and didn't want to bleed through the maternity underwear I had to wear.
We weren't able to be intimate yet but even in what was practically a diaper, a nursing bra, sweatpants and one of his v neck tshirts; my husband could still make me feel beautiful and sexy just in the way he looked at me or the way he touched me.
I rested my hand on the Marine corps tattoo on his chest.
"I have to go into the hospital for a couple hours but I got tickets to that new Blais Restaurant." He muttered.
"With the baby?" I asked running my fingers over his chest.
"Well, to be fair, I got the tickets before we found out she was coming." He giggled quietly.
"Call me before you leave the hospital and I'll let you know how I'm feeling. If we can't go today I'll call Blais and get new reservations." I sighed looking over my shoulder at our sleeping angel.
"I'll give the tickets to AJ if you decide you want to stay home." He smiled and kissed my temple again.
"Try to get some more sleep. I'll make breakfast after I take a shower." He kissed my lips leaving me alone in the bed.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after he left the bed. Since giving birth to our daughter my insomnia practically disappeared.
I didn't wake again until Conrad brought breakfast up to the bedroom.
"Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast." He whispered and kissed me gently to wake me.
"Smells good." I sighed sitting up.
Conrad and I cuddled in bed eating breakfast and watching our daughter dreaming away.
"Do you really have to go to work?" I sighed as he held me.
"I do, baby. It's only a few hours. I'll be back before you know it." He kissed me again.
"Remember to rest while she's sleeping. Make sure to eat lunch." He worried over me.
"Yes, doctor." I teased.
"I know." He sighed
"Baby, I'm a doctor too. I know how to care for myself. Sarah and I are going to be just fine. I want you to stay home because I'm selfish and I want you here with us but we'll be fine until you get home." I assured him.
"I don't want to leave you guys either. I'll hurry back. I promise." He sighed.
"Just be safe and save a life. Same as always." I kissed him and he left.
I got up quietly and went into the bathroom to change my maternity underwear and use the restroom with the door open so I could hear Sarah if she started crying.
I stripped down to naked and wiped my body down with a warm washcloth before dressing again in a loose nursing tank top and oversized pair of sweatpants.
I returned to the bedroom to find my daughter awake in the bassinet.
"Hi, Sarah. How's my baby?" I cooed at her picking her up.
She looked at me with her daddy's eyes.
I carried her with me down the stairs so we could sit in the living room with the blinds open to get sun and fresh air and so I could move around a little. I wasn't able to go for walks yet and I was restless.
I fed Sarah and got her back to sleep placing her in the bassinet we'd bought for the kitchen so I could make myself lunch as ordered by my loving doctor husband.
I made a ham and turkey sandwich with cheese and lettuce. If Conrad and I ended up going to Blais Restaurant I'd want to indulge there so I stuck with the sandwich.
Sarah was still asleep when I finished eating so I carefully picked her up to carry her into the living room. We sat on the couch and I turned the television on to watch a true crime show.
I knew Conrad wanted me to sleep while she sleeps but all I wanted was to hold my daughter. I wanted that skin to skin contact.
I held her from then until it was time for her to eat again. I fed and changed her again and laid her down in the bassinet so I could lay down on the couch and rest.
I woke up to my phone ringing.
"Hey baby." I answered settling back into the couch.
"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked but something was off in his voice.
"I'm okay. Sarah's sleeping now. What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's this patient I took on. I'm stumped on it. I'm not sure I can get away." He sighed.
"Honey, that's okay. Give the tickets to AJ. I'll call and get new ones tomorrow. I'll order some pizza and dessert and we'll splurge a little when you do get home. You're not far from home so if I need you I'll call. She's being a little angel right now so I'm not concerned." I assured him.
"Okay. Baby, I'm so sorry." He sighed again.
"No need to be sorry, baby. We're fine. I know you weren't expecting to work so long but I also know how much you give to your patients. Fond out what's wrong with him and come home to me and our daughter."
"You know I will." I could hear the relief in his voice.
"Of course I do. I love you baby."
"I love you, Meghan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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