"What do you mean you got fired?" I asked Nic as she sat at our dining room table.
"Bell forced Mrs. Thorpe out of the CEO position after he set a patient on fire."
"Wait... What?" Conrad asked sitting down next to me.
"I don't know what he found on her but he had to have had something on her to get her to step down. Devon and I were sure that this was what was going to take Bell down.
"Anyway, he took over as the CEO and called me into his office. He told me that Lily died from a potassium overdose. The bag of potassium I hung is what killed her." She dropped her head into her hands.
"What has she done?" I muttered.
"What, babe?" Conrad asked touching my back.
"Remember she told us she was going to have Nic hang the potassium? I was so thrown off by Lily's panic attack that I didn't think about it before but she could have easily asked Jessica to do it or anyone that was around. Why ask Nic specifically?" I looked at him.
"She knew I was asking questions." Nic looked up at us.
"Do you really think she killed Lily to frame me?"
"Honestly, I have no idea." I sighed.
"It's just too coincidental."
Conrad nodded thoughtfully.
"What do we do?" He asked.
"I'm not sure. Ever since that private investigator quit I've felt pretty lost." I admitted.
"Why did he quit?" Nic asked.
"He didn't say. I assume he was threatened or intimidated in some way." I shrugged.
"We have to find enough evidence to prove that she's the one behind this." Conrad muttered.
I nodded.
"I'm not going to stand aside and let her kill more people." Nic said firmly.
"Nor should you. Just be careful." I said leaning into Conrad.
"I will."
The next day Conrad and I walked into work together as Lane watched us from the balcony overlooking the lobby. He reached over and took my hand.
"We're going to get her Meghan." He whispered.
"Why did she choose Nic and not me?" I sighed.
"You're Meghan Bishop. She can't come after you without angering your father. She knows he'd side with you." He reminded me.
I nodded.
"So, she wants to send us all a message but she can't come after me or you and Devon wasn't close enough to Lily to frame."
He nodded.
"We can send messages too." I looked up to find Lane staring at us.
"Yes. We certainly can." He smiled at me.
"We're stronger than she is."
Near the end of my shift I was alone in the sleeping quarters trying to find some peace and quiet to finish my end of shift paperwork.
"You know it should be you." Lane said from the doorway.
"What should be me?" My heart pounded but I kept my eyes on the paperwork and my voice even.
"I know you're the one who took your mother's file. I've known you've been suspicious of me for a long while. You'll never find the proof you're looking for." She said a smile in her voice.
"I know that you're guilty and I'll find the proof to put you away for the rest of your life." I smiled back at her finally looking up at her.
"Are you threatening me, Meghan?" She asked cynically.
"Of course not. I'm promising you that you won't get away with the things you've done. My mom and Lily will get justice if it's the last thing I do." I smirked at her.
"Meghan? Time to go." Conrad said from the doorway clearly having heard our entire conversation.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Lane." I smiled pushing passed her to join my fiance.
Conrad took my hand and we walked to return the paperwork to the filing cabinet before we left.
"I hate being so close to her." I sighed after we got in my car.
"She didn't deny any of it." He pointed out.
"I noticed that too." I sighed.
Nic was waiting for us at our home looking distraught.
"Someone's following me." She exclaimed.
"Calm down. Let's go inside and we'll talk." I motioned her towards our front door.
Inside she sat uneasily on the couch absentmindedly petting Ace.
"What happened?" Conrad asked sitting down across from her and Lily hopped up into his lap.
"I contacted someone who used to work for Lane but they don't want to get involved then when I got home there was a man in my yard holding a paper bag of groceries he said he was supposed to deliver to me. When I refused them he called me Nicolette. Even when I order things I use Nic." She explained.
"Why don't you stay here tonight and I'll call my dad in the morning to see what we can do?" I suggested sitting down next to Conrad.
She nodded.
"Yeah, okay. I don't have a change of clothes."
"I have some pjs you can use tonight and we'll follow you home tomorrow after I talk to my dad."
"Okay." She nodded again.
Conrad and I set Nic up in one of our spare bedrooms and sat in the living room.
"I think we need to stop investigating Lane." He said sitting next to me.
"What are you talking about? We're so close. We can't stop now." I turned to face him straight on.
"Look at what she's doing to Nic. If something happens to you..." He sighed.
"Nothing is going to happen to me." I took his hand.
"Meghan, you don't know that." He looked into my eyes.
"I have you. Two dogs. My dad. I'm going to be fine. She killed Lily. She killed my mom. Not medical error but murder. We can't let her get away with this. I planned our wedding, bought my dress without my mom by my side, because of her. When we have kids she won't be there to be their grandmother because of her. Lily doesn't get to have a wedding or children because of her." I reached up and touched his cheek.
"I know how much you care about me. How much you love me. I know you're worried but this is bigger. This is saving more lives."
"You're so brave and courageous. I don't know how I got so lucky to do this life with you."
"I'm going to be fine, Conrad. I promise you."
He leaned forward and kissed me gently.

I Believe in You
FanfictionI met Conrad Hawkins our final year in medical school at River Valley University and my life hasn't been the same since. *Character Conrad Hawkins from The Resident on FOX. I have chosen to pull dialogue directly from the Pilot and Independence Day...