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Conrad and I barely made it to the bedroom before his lips met mine.
He pressed my back against the door gently pulling my tiara and mom's hair clip from my hair.
His lips trailed down my jawline to my neck as we pulled my necklace and earrings off. He picked me up and carried me to the bed setting me down trailing his tongue across my chest just above the dress.
He took each of my feet in his hand one at a time lightly undoing the strap so he could slide it off.
I sighed feeling his hands move up my legs under my dress.
"I have a really sexy idea." He breathed his fingertips brushing against me over my panties.
I sighed shakily.
"What's that?" I barely managed my hands gripping his shoulders.
"Well, we're only going to have this one chance to do this. I wanna take these off." He slid his fingers under the flimsy lace at my hips.
"Then I want to make love to you in this dress. I can't imagine anything sexier than making love to you in your wedding dress." He spread my legs a little wider and pressed his lips to me over my panties.
"I think that's a wonderful idea." I breathed aching for him.
Painfully slowly he removed my panties before touching me again. I could have come right then at just the feeling of his fingers against me.
I gasped slightly when he removed his hand and pulling me right to the edge of the bed.
My new husband wore a black button down shirt and black slacks which he was now unbuttoning.
He was right. There was nothing hotter than making love in our wedding clothes. We'd had naked sex before but this was much different. Better.
Our flight took off for the Caribbean just before sunrise. The view out of the airplane window as the sun came up over the Atlanta skyline illuminating the clouds scattered across the sky was completely breathtaking.
We landed in the Caribbean and took a boat to Orchid Island, which was owned by my maternal grandparents, Mackenna and Calvin Williams. They lent it to Conrad and I for our honeymoon. The island was roughly four square miles and had a large luxury beach house directly in the center right on a white sand beach surrounded by lush tropical forests that wrapped around the house covering the entirety of the rest of the island.
"This place is gorgeous." I gushed as we walked up to the front door.
"Hold on." Conrad grabbed my hand as I opened the front door.
"What?" I asked looking up at him.
He pulled me to him wordlessly picking me up and carrying me bridal style over the threshold. I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck.
He set me on my feet sliding his hands to my hips as we looked at our view of the beach and the Atlantic ocean. I leaned back against his chest.
We decided to use the first week of our honeymoon as a purely relaxation week. We spent most of that week either naked or in bathing suits, lounging on the beach or swimming in the ocean and obviously having sex. It was our honeymoon afterall. Back in Atlanta you could hardly walk around the inside of your own home naked without fear of being peeped in on. I slid on a silk robe when the grocery delivery came on Saturday.
"It is so nice to have such a beautiful young couple staying here. You just got married?" Isabel asked as she put the groceries away.
"We did." Conrad smiled wrapping his arm around me.
I leaned against him.
"I will be back next Saturday at the same time to restock the pantry and refrigerator for your last week." She smiled at us before walking out of the house and back to her boat.
We watched her drive off into the ocean.
"Are we going to spend the rest of the day lounging around the beach again?" I asked.
"It is the last day of our relaxation week so we probably should." He smiled at me.
We laid out together in the sun on a couple of beach towels.
Conrad trailed his fingertips along my sunkissed skin causing goosebumps along my arm.
"My body always reacts so effortlessly to your touch." I muttered reaching for him.
He sat up on his elbow and leaned down to press his lips to my pelvic bone. I sighed running my fingers through his hair as he trailed kisses up towards my stomach then along my chest before settling on my neck.
It had been a really long time since we'd just kissed and touched without actual sex.
His hands caressed my breasts as his thigh rubbed gently against my sex.
I nudged him gently urging him to kiss my lips.
"Make love to me." I breathed when he broke our kiss.
"Say you want me." He teased kissing the skin just below my ear.
"I want you." I sighed pushing up so I could kiss his skin.
I felt him wrap his hand around the back of my neck holding me to him as he entered me.
Making love on a beach was definitely on my bucket list and Conrad made it all the more special.
I woke up still naked, still on the beach, still next to Conrad. There wasn't much better than that.
The tropical forest had nine different paths to hike into it but my absolute favorite was number five. It lead us deep into the center of the woods to a natural spring with small waterfalls that seemed to be fed by the rain the island got.
We had a simple picnic on the edge of the spring, feeding each other strawberries and cream.
Gently, I pushed Conrad down onto his back and climbed on top of him kissing his lips. I moved my hips on top of him still kissing him.
I sat up and pulled my tank top over my head and helped him out of his. It wasn't very often that I took charge sexually; not because I didn't like to or that he didn't like me to. Quite the opposite actually. Conrad was just naturally the more assertive of us.
I couldn't leave that island without making love to him by that spring.
Our last night on the island it poured rain the entire day but we made the most of it putting on some sexual, sensual music on the speakers on the porch out of the rain after diner and dancing in the rain. We were both in tshirts and shorts dancing in the warm rain.

Conrad sang to me as we swayed to the music. I slid my hands under his soaking wet tshirt, touching his skin.
We took off his shirt and he took off mine while we continued to dance. He turned me around so my back was to his chest after he unhooked and took off my bra. He kissed my neck toying with my nipple and sliding his hand into the front of my shorts.
I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair urging him to continue kissing on my neck.
He slid both of his thumbs under my shorts and stripped them from me slowly kissing his way down my spine.
He took off my panties and grabbed my bare ass on his way back up to hold me against him.
I laid my head back on his shoulder and caught his lips with mine.
Somehow we managed to make our way back to the porch where we made love to the music and the sound of the rain on the glass roof.

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