Chapter 5

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Wedding Part 2: The Reception

America POV:
Every room is designed beautifully. Even the bathroom. White tile flood. Marble white counters. Glass all over. Gold details. White towels with a gold "S" on it.
When I saw Kriss and Prince Maxon kiss, I couldn't anymore. It broke me into a million pieces. So I left. Currently I'm crying on a bathroom floor.
The worst part is that, I know it's my fault. It's because of me that they got married in the first place.
Not long after I hear bells. It's over. It's done. It's official.
I officially lost the selection.
And it's all my fault.
I stay put and cry some more. I can't anymore . I don't know how much time goes by when I hear the click of heels. I hear voices. Marlee's, Natalie's and Celeste's voices to be exact. I can hear them turning door knobs. The bathroom door opens and Natalie comes in.
"She's in here!" She calls over her shoulder. Then comes to sit next to me. Celeste and Marlee come racing in seconds after. They crouch next to Natalie and I.
"Are you okay?" They all ask in unison.
"Um I don't know, let me think. I just saw the guy I love get married. None the less to my friend. I know that's it's all my fault. I lied. I ruined my life. I lost. I lost him. So no. I'm not okay."
"What can we do to help?" Marlee asked.
"Nothing, what's done is done. I just want to go home. I'm leaving."
"No your not." Celeste countered.
"What? Why?"
"Because, you're going to fix yourself, go to the reception, and show Maxon that you're better and he made a mistake not fighting for you."
"What, no—"
"It's not up for discussion." She said simply.
"But I—"
"Stop arguing, we need to get you ready."
Needless to say, I was staying to party all night.

Maxon POV:
After Kriss and I walked down the Isle, we went to go take our wedding photoshoot. Our guest still need to be seated. So they're 20 minuets till Kriss and I show up at the reception. I'm just hopeful Ames will be there. I need to talk to her.
18 minuets later
I'm walking to the great room with Kriss' arm looped through mine. We stop in front of the doors. Everyone is talking and laughing. I heard Kriss take a big deep breath.
"Are you ready?" I ask her. She turns to look at me. She reaches up and cups my face with one hand and smiles.
"For us? Always."
I grin at her. Then give her a small peck on the lips. I feel like I'm cheating on Ames. The selection is over. I didn't pick her. I'm married to Kriss. That's all my fault. And with all that I'm still attached to Ames. My heart will always love America.
I motion for a guard to announce us and open the doors.
"Please welcome, Prince Maxon Schreave and Princess Kriss Schreave." I can hear them announce. Kriss Schreave? God. I definitely didn't think about it. I think America Schreave has a better ring to it.
The doors open and we slowly begin walking in. Everyone stands. They clap, cheer etc.
I put on a wide smile but I don't feel any real joy. We walk to our table and take our seats. Food is brought to us and once father takes his first bite we can all begin eating. I scan the room looking for fiery red hair. I don't see her. Nor do I see Celeste, Natalie or Marlee for that matter. My mind is running wild thinking of all the options on where they could be. I snap out of it when I hear Kriss say something to me. Im talking with Kriss but my mind is elsewhere.
Not too long after America, Celeste, Marlee, and Natalie walk in. Celeste says something to America and her cheeks flush red. America looks stunning. No, she looks hot. They did something to alter her appearance, though in my opinion and I'm sure everyone else's, she has looked perfect since day one. A maid goes up to them with a tray of wine. They all grab a cup and sip. Except for America. She chugs it, and fast. I'm stunned. She always said that she wasn't the biggest fan of alcohol. 'Once in a while it's fine, drink it slow, and determine the amount you want to drink from the beginning.' America said those were the 3 rules you should follow when drinking. So why did she do that.
I'm probably looking into this too much. Ames is smart, I know that, she won't do something she'll regret.
She gets another cup and sips. They begin walking to their table when they announce that it's time for Kriss and I to have our "first" dance.

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