Chapter 15

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(Sunday, afternoon)
America POV:
I tap my fingers on the table from boredom. Zach should be here any second now, I'm going to be telling him that we aren't having a baby. I'm positive he's going to thrilled that I'm not pregnant. I've been happy ever since I found out this morning. I decide to tell him at my favorite coffee shop. Starbucks Reserved.
The bell jingles and I turn to face the door. Zach walks in, hair a mess. A cute mess though. He walks over to the table and takes the seat across mine. He looks directly into my eyes. His eyes saying something I'm not sure I understand.
"Good Afternoon Zach" I say cheerfully. "Good afternoon to you" He says playfully. I can't help feel automatically happier. I've missed his playfulness. I hadn't seen him for almost a month and then when I did see him so much went down. Maxon was there, along with Kriss and Amberly, not to mention the thought of me having a baby.
"How did you spend your night" He asked. I think back at me not being able to sleep, nightmares, thinking about the prince, and him.
"Alright, how about you"
"I slept okay" All of a sudden he grabs my hands.
"America I just want to tell you I'm here, our kid will have a father, and it's up to you but I don't want a broken home, we can get married and live together, let's give what we had another shot for our baby"
What?! No I have to clear this up. He actually thinks I'm pregnant.
"Look Zach-"
"I know, I know, it seems like I'm rushing us into this but I'm ready to be a dad, I'll be a great one and you'll be a great mom-"
"Trust me we'll be happy and-"
"Can you just listen, no interruptions" I say with my voice low. Not wanting to bring eyes to our table.
"Yes, go on"
"I took a test this morning, a pregnancy test, well actually two, and,"
I took a pause for dramatic affect but he clearly just wanted to know.
"We aren't going to have a baby, or be parents, we can continue our normal lives!" I said happily.
When those words left my mouth I expected him to be so damn happy. Overjoyed even. Instead he gave me a blank stare. Emotionless. Was he so happy he didn't know what to do? He started to freaking me out so I gently shook his forearm.
"Um Zach?"
He snapped out of whatever he was feeling and looked into my eyes.
"Oh, wow" He said so distracted. What kind of reaction is this?! I need to push and see what he thinks. He has to be happy. Right?
"I just told you we aren't going to have a baby, all you say is Oh wow" I try not to sound pushy and irritated, I'm not too sure it worked.
"Did you go to the doctor?" He says oddly hopeful.
"Um no, two negative tests are enough"
"No they aren't"
"Yes they are"
"America you need to go to the doctor"
"No I don't, I'd know if I was pregnant"
"Come on America please take it"
Why is he so damn persistent. I'm not going to go to the doctor. That's ridiculous. I know I'm not pregnant. Zach should be happy. So why on Earth is he so damn set on me going to the doctor. I don't get it. It's almost like he did want me to be pregnant. That can't be it. Right?
"Zach I'm not going and that's final"
"Don't be childish Ames you have to-"
"I don't have to do anything"
"Come on I'll take you mysel-"
"Enough is enough Zach, why do you want me to go"
"Because I'm not going to let go until you see a doctor"
"Why not?!"
"Because I don't want to"
That's when it really hit me. He wants me to be pregnant.
"Oh my god, you, w-want me to be pregnant" I said in a low whisper.
He looked down without a word. No. I can't do this. I stand and reach into my pocket. I take out a handful of money. There are three $20's, two $10's, and a few $5's. I toss all my $5's onto the table and walk to the door. I know there were at least 5 bills, so about 25 dollars. That's way more then what we ordered. I just don't care though, I need to leave. I walk through the little reception room without a word.
"Have a nice day Miss Singer!" The receptionist calls after me. I barely hear her. I don't take time to throw her a wave, I need to get out. Need to.
We I get outside I hear footsteps. I walk faster, and make it to my car before being pulled back. Zach stands in front of me. He puts his left hand on my shoulder/neck. His other hand on my waist. He stands so close. Chest to chest. I feel his warm breath on my face.
"Yes I want you to be pregnant." The words shock me. I had already come to this conclusion, but hearing him confirme it, was, shocking. It made it real.
"Why" Is all I could say.
He took a long, deep breath.
"Because, it's destines way of telling us to get back together, I want that"
"America, I still love you, I never stopped loving you, a baby, yours and mine would be faith, destiny, we are meant to be Ames, we are, I know it"
I look deep into his blue eyes. He just declared his love for me. I see his eyes, glossy, ready to let the tears fall. I don't know if I can return those words. Do I love him? I let his words sink in for a moment. A short one at that. I can't trick myself into thinking I love him. Yes I do have strong feelings for him but, is it love? I know I've felt love before, with the crowned Prince if Illea, is this the same.
This is the exact reason we had to break up. I didn't know where my feeling were. And now things are even worse. I saw him yesterday, and so much happened. I can't get him out of my head. Zach is in my thoughts too but it's different. I don't know how exactly, but it is. I can feel it.
"I'm sorry Zach, I can't do this" I push down the hand the was sitting in my shoulder. Quickly climbing into my car and shuting the door. As I lock the doors, I put in the keys and pull out of the driveway. I left fast, probably breaking the speed limit. I'm distracted and that's not safe.
I pull into a gas station, just so I can calm myself.
What just happened. Zach said he wanted me to be pregnant, and confessed his love for me. I sigh and rest my head on the stirring wheel. I'm still so shocked.
How could I be such an asshole though. He confesses his love for me and tells me he wants a baby and another shot with me, and I run away. How could I be so heartless!?
Then again, the reason we broke up in the first place is because I didn't know where my heart and feelings were. Now it's even more complicated.
How could so many 'events' happen in just 2 days. That I'll never understand. These last 2 days have felt like months. I get a text and pick up my phone.
Oh god, it's from Kriss.

Kriss: Hi Ames!! Just wanted to let you know that we'll be here till Monday. I think we still have so much more catching up to do, so please if you can join us for dinner tonight. Celeste is also invited of course. Like I said if you can please let me know and we'll work out the details! (; 

Join them for dinner? I don't think that's a good idea at all. How do I say no though. I could just say with the stress from everything last night I'm not feeling good and we should definitely try to hangout next time they visit. Yeah, that'll work. I begin to type, my fingers move faster than my brain. I don't know how, I thought about what I was going to say before I typed. Yet, my answer was completely, different.

America: Hey Kriss! Yes tonight would be great and I'm sure Celeste will love to as well, just let me know the restaurant and I'm there

Kriss: Perfect, I'm so glad you said yes!! Well which restaurant do you think is the best, you're the one who lives here after all, pick a restaurant and let me know which one. Dinner will begin at 6:45! Thanks!

Oh no. What have I done. Can't go back now. I leave the gas station and drive home. My thoughts filled by 3 things. One, what will I wear. Two, which restaurant do I pick.
Three, Maxon.

A/N ~Ooooh! Let me know what you think about the chapter. If you have any questions comment them as well as your favorite part! What do you think about Zach? I hope you enjoyed. 1593 words!
Xoxo ~ Mrs. Schreave 💋
Ps~ Don't forget to check out my other story "Princess America Schreave"

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