Chapter 11

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Maxon's POV:
Today's the day I'll be meeting with Celeste. It was a little hard to get this all to work but I figured it out. Mom has joined us on this trip. For 2 reasons; she loves America and wants to see her, and so she can distract Kriss. I'm going to tell Kriss that this trip should be a bonding experience with my mother. Mom knows what I'm doing so I won't be lying to her. I feel bad lying to Kriss but this has to be done.
Its quite, other than mom and Kriss' soft conversation. The limo stopped in front of the best hotel in Sun Diego. Which thankfully is close to both the stage and the coffee place  Celeste picked. We had to bring a few guards with us. Mom and Kriss will be taking some with them were ever they go but I will not. I don't want any attention on me.
"I'm so excited!" Kriss said.
We got out of the limo and headed inside while the guards grabbed our bags. We checked in and the lady at the counter was being weird towards me. She couldn't of been more than 22. She pulled her shirt down a bit and was showing more than I would of wanted. And she kept making eyes at me then asked for a picture. I said okay but pulled Kriss in the picture with me. Anyways now we are in our room. Getting ready for the day. Kriss is looking at herself in the mirror and fixed her makeup. I go up to her and lean against the mirror, she giggles as she sees me.
"So Kriss I think that this trip would be a good time for you and my mother to bond"
"Oh okay! Will it be just us two?"
"Yes it will"
"Okay what will you do?"
"I'm going to explore, I've never been to this part of Angeles"
"Okay but be safe"
"I will, have fun I'll see you for dinner" I kissed her forehead and started walking away.
She caught my arm and gently pulled me back.
"Wait your leaving right now?"
"So I wont see you all day?"
"Well I suppose but we spend this morning together"
"It's barely 12 though"
"Yeah I know but it'll go by fast, have fun and take care"
"You too, love you honey"
"Love you too"
With that I made my way out. I stopped at moms room which connects to ours. I peeked my head through the door and saw her standing in front of the mirror fixing her makeup.
"Hey mom I'm leaving"
She turned around smiled and made her way to me.
"Okay sweety try to figure things out and please please take care"
She pulled me into a hug and hide her face in my shoulder.
"I will mom I promise, you have fun and buy lots of stuff"
She laughed and I joined her.
"Princes orders"
We let go and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and was off.
I pull into the parking lot. I'm in normal clothes, I asked Marlee to help me blend in. I'm wearing grey sweats which I swear sometimes. I wear these black Vans with a white line. I'm also wearing a black hoodie with a blue shirt underneath. I got off, pulled up the hood and instructed the driver to return so he can drive mom and Kriss.
I check my watch and it reads 12:27pm. Celeste said to meet at 1pm. Oh 33 minuets to wait, it's not that bad. I go to the front door and swing it open. I'm lead into a small room with 3 security guards and a lady at a desk.
"Hello, who are you and why do you want to come inside" The lady said with a smile.
"Why do you need this information?" I questioned her and the guards stood a little talker.
"Well, this is Starbucks Reserve, were many celebrities and important people come. We must know who you are before you can enter, we don't want the celebrities to get overwhelmed, they come here to relax because they know they can't get attacked by fans."
Of course Celeste and I couldn't meet at a random place.
"Oh that makes a lot of sense and I like your idea"
All 4 of them looked at me expectingly.
"I'm Prince Maxon Schreave heir to the Illea thrown." I said as I pull down my hood and flash my id.
The woman's eyes nearly pop out of her head. She stands up and curtsies. The guards follow and bow.
"Oh welcome your majesty! Come inside we can just skip the fee"
"Oh no, I can pay a fee, how much is it"
"Umm no need you're our future king"
"And you're future king has money"
She giggles and flutters her eyes lashes.
"Oh okay well the fee is $1,500"
1,500 to get into a coffee shop, what. I don't say anything and hand her the money.
"Thank you your majesty" She curtsied again and open the door. I walk inside and look around. I see 3 people inside. I see a blonde woman I recognize as Miley Cyrus, she writing something in a notebook and is on the phone. I also see Emma Watson on her computer with a drink. At the very far back I see a redhead. I take a closer look and see America.
Oh no see can't see me. Why would Celeste say 1pm if she knew America would be here. I pull my hood back up. I check my watch and it reads 12:41pm. So I was in that little room for 16 minuets and it's 19 minuets till 1pm. I take a seat at a table by a window. I have a clear view of America but she can't see me. I nervous. Stressed. America is only a few feet from me. She wears makeup which I find odd. A full face, more than what she wore during the Selection. It's even weirder because she wears casual clothes. She has her computer open and has a notebook she's writing in. She's also wearing air pods.

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