Chapter 8

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(The next day)
Maxon POV:
I'm leaving the meeting room. Very frustrated. The advisors just argue and argue. If someone makes a good point or argument it blows up. We never make any process. I know that if they'd shut up for 10 seconds we could figure something out. Im not even king yet and I'm over it. The worst part is that I don't even have someone to rant to, express myself with, much less help me. I have mother but I don't want to overwhelm her. I need a good loving wife.
Kriss is sweet and caring for the most part. But she's more like a friend. It's been months since our wedding and there still isn't a spark. Frankly I don't think there ever will be.
She does her work. But not at her best. I know it's not. She wants the luxury and not the work. She doesn't complain but it's not hard to see she doesn't want to do it. I get that, half of the time I don't want to do my work. But she knew this was part of the deal when she filled out the application. She's not the best worker but I can see that she really does love me.
I feel bad because I don't return those feelings.
I've tried, it's just not the same. I miss her. Miss her smile. Her intelligence. Laugh. Eyes. Lips. Humor. The fights. The jokes. I miss her humming. Her music, singing. I miss the feel of her hand on mine. I miss her kisses. The sweet, or playful, or passionate kisses. Her presence. I simply miss her.
I regret the day I chose Kriss every single day.
I wanted to speak with America the day after my wedding, but she was gone. I looked for her. Everywhere. Eventually I gave up and went to ask mom. The moment she told me that America and Celeste left my heart sank. I wanted to talk to her about what happened at the party with that guy. Who, later I found out was Prince Andrew. Honestly I was pissed.
We were friends until he was 12 and I was 13. The only reason we stopped being friends was because we started getting busy. A fight never happened it was just natural. So for him to try and hook up with the love of my life enraged me. I know that he didn't/doesn't know I'm in love with America. But still. She's a girl that was in my selection. Not only that, she made it to the top two. That obviously means I like her a lot. Even if you don't know she was my first pick, (no one but mom and I know that ) have the common decency to not make out with her in the hallway. Not just that but he was clearly trying to have sex with her. Maybe even more. They got pretty close to sleeping together.
The other reason I wanted to talk to her was because I wanted to see if there was a possibility to be with her. If she still loved me. I'd do anything to get her back. I was ready to start trying that day. But she left. She just left. Why.
Why didn't she stay. Why didn't she say goodbye. Well not to me, others as I heard got letters.
I shake my head and make my way to my office. I need to get work done. I walk inside and shut the door. Don't need any interruptions. I get to my desk and sit on my chair. I begin to sort the papers into piles. I leaning back in my chair and try to focus. I need to get her out of my head. I lean back in my desk. I sigh, grab my pen, open my computer and sign in. Then I begin my work.
3 hours later
Work has been going great. I'm almost done with the weeks works, I just need to read, and sign a few papers. All I needed was concentration. If I hurry I won't even have to work tomorrow. I'll have the whole week off. I look at my watch, 8:15pm, I think I can finish it.
I hear a soft knock on the door before Kriss' head pops in.
"Yes dear?"
"Are you busy right now?"
"No, in fact I'm just about done with the weeks works I just need to sign a few things"
"That's great, can I come in?"
"Of course"
She walks in and makes her way over to my desk. She takes a seat in the chair across mine.
"How was the get together?"
"Good, we talked, got caught up, and other girl things"
"That's nice"
"Yeah it is"
"Did everyone come?" I said causally. Inside I was dying to know if America came. Although I doubt it. She's never come.
"No, she messaged me and let me know that she was too busy dealing with her shows"
I could see that she was upset. Kriss is always sad when America doesn't show.
"Oh I'm sorry"
"It's okay, not your fault" She smiled at me. The thing is that it is my fault. She hasn't  come because of me.
"Still I wish I could do something"
"Did you say you've almost completed the weeks works?"
"Yes I did"
"Well that's perfect! You're free Saturday!?"
"Yes I am, why is that perfect?"
"Because I've been wanting to go to one of America's shows! She's having one this Saturday here in Angeles, I'd love to go but not alone, please come with me?!"
Kriss always bugs me about this. She really cares about America and wants to keep their friendship. But America gets more and more distant. She also really loves America's songs. Honestly I haven't heard them. Her songs that is. It's just too painful. If I think about it I don't know much about her.
I know that she became a 2 along with her family. I'm proud of her for that accomplishment. I know how famous she is and how many people love her. There've been rumors that she has had boyfriends. Just the thought of it hurt so I decided not to do any further investigation. I know she's had a world tour. I know how popular her songs are. I know she lives the Celeste.I know she's rich. I know she lives in Angeles. That's about it. I follow her on social media. But I have her muted. I just can't see her life without me. In my dreams I close my eyes, I see her standing there, on a balcony. Random things remind me about her and it hurts. Strawberry tarts. The color blue. The color red. The topic about the selection in general. It hurts it simply hurts. Especially living in the place where I met her. Where I had my first kiss with her and my first kiss ever. Where we had our Halloween dances. Where we danced in the rain. Where we had our first date. Where we fought. We're so so so many things happened.
Oh god how I miss her.
"Ummm what part of Angles is it in?"
"It's in Sun Diego"
"Umm I don't kno—"
"Come on Maxon if we leave tomorrow tonight we can have all of Friday to do whatever, then on Saturday we can go explore then go to the concert"
I couldn't argue.
"Okay we can go"
She jumped out of her seat and ran to me. She grabs my face and kisses me all over.
"Oh really?! Thank you honeyyy! Don't inform her I want to suprise her!!! Ahhh thank you so much!!" I chuckle at her child like behavior.
"Yes, don't worry I won't say a thing just let me finish my work and I'll get things ready"
"Say no more!" She kisses me again and leaves me too finish my work. Oh my. I'm going to see America soon. Extremely soon. I'm excited but very nervous.
I realize I'm about to see her, speak to her and I don't know much about her. I'm sure she knows what's been going on with me. How wouldn't she I'm the prince. I decide I have to do my research. I'll quickly finish my work, then I'll google her.
Read, sign.
Read, sign.
Read, no sign.
Read, sign.
Read, no sign.
Read, sign.
I put away all my work stuff except my computer. I open a new tab on google. I type in her name.
America Singer.
So much comes up. So much. Gossip sites. YouTube videos. Magazines. News. Instagram links. Holy crap. My eyes scam the screen and there is so much about her. There's so much information that there's no way all of this is true. I think I'll have to make a call soon. I'm sure she'll know what's true.
I'll call Celeste.

A/N ~ Well this is the first look at Maxon's life! Let me know what you think and your thoughts on the chapter. If you have any questions let me know and I'll answer if it doesn't have a spoiler. Comment your favorite part! Who's POV do you want to see next. Also If you have any ideas please let me know and I might add them into the story. I hope you liked it, 1571 words!
Xoxo ~ Mrs. Schreave 💋

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