Chapter Fourteen

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(Sorry it's taking me awhile to update. I'm in the process of moving, so it's been very stressful.)

Jimin P.O.V

Namjoon showed us around and introduced us to the rest of the group. I didn't realize how many vampires had suffered because of my father.

"Jimin are you alright?" I looked over at Jin.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking that's all." I smiled and grabbed Jin's hand.

"You know this isn't your fault." Jin insisted.

"I know" I brought Jins hand up to my lips and kissed it. I looked at Jins eyes with love, we slowly leaned into one another.

Red sirens brought Jin and I out of our moment.

"What's happening" I questioned looking at Namjoon.

"We have intruders, everyone get ready to fight." Namjoon yelled.

Namjoon guided his people to the fight, leaving Jin and I alone.

"Jin, stay close to me."

"I will."

We ran to the fight to see a full blown blood bath.

"Jin!" I looked over at the voices and see Tae and Hoseok run to us. Before they reach us one of the warriors grabbed Hoseok.

"Let go of me." Hoseok yelled. The warrior pulled out his sword and swing at Hoseok.

Hoseok's P.O.V

I closed my eyes prepared to get stabbed, but the pain never came. I opened my eyes to see Yoongi on the ground, passed out and covered in blood.

"Yoongi" I cried out, I bent down and helped him stand. I looked over to Yoongi's left arm or were his arm was suppose to be.

"Yoongi your arm!" I sobbed.

"How weak" I looked up at the warrior. He was about to strike again, until Jungkook tackled him down and ripped his head off.

"Jimin help me take Yoongi, somewhere safer." Jungkook yelled out. They both grabbed Yoongi out of my hands and pulled him away from the fight.

"Come on Hoseok" Tae and Jin said grabbing my hands. We followed Jimin and Jungkook farther into the forest, until we were a safe distance from the fight.

"Will he be ok" I asked.

"He'll be fine as long as we disinfect the wound and give him some blood to drink. Jungkook can you grab a reggae and get it wet?" Jimin responded.

Jungkook nodded and left.

"Don't we need to close the wound?" Tae questioned.

"For humans yes, but since he's a vampire he heals faster." Jungkook said returning with a wet reggae in hand.

Jungkook slowly cleaned the wound trying not to hurt Yoongi. When it was somewhat cleaner, Jimin said we had to wake him up.

"So this is where you all escaped to?" I looked up to see five warriors pointing their swords at us.

"You three take Yoongi and go!" Jungkook yelled standing up with Jimin. Jin and I grabbed Yoongi the shoulder and ran with Tae behind us. We ran farther into the woods taking different turns, hopping the warriors get lost. We leaned Yoongi on a tree.

"Hoseok you have to wake him up." Jin said.

"What about you two?" I asked

"Don't worry we'll be close, we're just going to be look outs" Jin smiled and hugged me.

"Good luck" Tae said, hugging me as well. They got up and ran to the direction we just came from.

It's been a couple of minutes of me trying to wake Yoongi up, but nothing has been working.

"Come on Yoongi, wake up!" I said, shaking him. I was up to my last straw, so I didn't they only other thing I can think off and I slapped him.

"Ow! What they hell was that for!" Yoongi screamed, finally waking up.

"Your awake!" I smiled hugging him tightly. "You need to drink my blood!" I continued.

"What?!" He looked at me weirdly.

"Your arm got cut off, you lost too much blood and Jimin said you would heal faster if you drank my blood. I was so worried next time don-" I was cut off my ramble by a pair of lips. I stayed there frozen in shock, Yoongi disconnected out lips.

"I'm fine Hoseok. Yeah I lost my arm, but if it was for you. I don't care if I died." Yoongi smiled at me.

"Well I care." I reconnected our lips.

It wasn't a hard kiss, it was a kiss full of love and passion.

"Please be more careful." I said disconnecting our lips.

"Your wish is my command, princess~." He purred.

I blushed and his chest. "Don't say such embarrassing things like that... So how long will it take until your arm heals?"

"Hmmm, with more kisses from you. Probably in two hours."

"Hey, when did you become so cheesy. IS IT BECAUSE YOU LOST TOO MUCH BLOOD?!" I screamed.

"... Most likely." Yoongi blankly stated.

"Then drink some of my blood." I insisted. Yoongi smirked,

"Well if you insist." Yoongi pulled my body against his and uncovered my shoulder.

Placing his lips on my shoulder, he kissed and then bite into my shoulder.

"Hmmm." He moaned drinking my blood. I sat there slowly getting more light headed the more he drinks. He released my shoulder, liking the rest up.

"You ok?" He questioned.

"Yes, just a little bit light headed." I smiled at him, connecting our lips.

"Ok you too love birds, the warriors have been delt with" a voice cackled.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Jungkook laughing his ass off.

"How long have you all been there?" Yoongi asked annoyed.

"Long enough." Jimin snorted.

"You two knock it off" Tae and Jin said smacking Jimin and Jungkook.

"Come on old man." Jungkook smiled grabbing Yoongi's good arm.


I smiled and got up and walked with Jin and Tae.

"So what's going to happen now?" I asked.

"We are going to regroup with Namjoon and head to the kingdom. We're going to overthrow my father." Jimin answered.

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