Chapter Fifteen

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Jins P.O.V
When we got to Namjoon he started to explain how we're going to overthrow the king. He's plan was simple but brilliant. We're going to do a surprise attack, so hopefully we would have less casualties. Namjoon and his men were going to distract the guards while Jimin and our small group kill the king. I was slightly worried that we would fail, as of sensing my fears Jimin grabbed my hand. He looked at me and smiled.
"Everythings going to work out in the end, love." He reassured. I smiled and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

~Time skip~

We made it to the castle and Jimin and our small group went the back entrance, while Namjoon and his men snuck through the front. Jimin guided us through the maze like corridors, until we reach the throne room.

Jimins P.O.V
"I knew you would come back, Jimin." My father laughed. 
"You've done enough harm to others and we're here to stop you!" I growled. 
"Ha, don't make me laugh. Guards, come take care of this trash!" 
"Sorry, but your guards can't hear you, there kinda occupied at the moment." Yoongi snickered. My father got up in panic and yelled.
"Stay the hell away from me, don't come closer. Yoongi how dare you, I saved you and your brother from your past!"
"Sorry, but I found out that my life wasn't supposed to be thrown away following your orders all the time." Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand in his. 
"I have better things to do." He continued. 
"Tch. You ungrateful piece of shit, all of you." Father screamed, cowering to the farthest corner of the room. 
"We got all the guards to surrender and we've taken them as prisoners." Namjoon shouts bursting into the room. 
"YOU, I thought I killed you long ago!" Father was flabbergasted. 
"It takes more than that to kill me and now it's your time." Namjoon smirked, walking closer to father.
"Wait Namjoon, don't you think Jimin should do this?" Jin questioned.
"No, Namjoon can kill him. He's a waste of my time anyways." I insisted. 
"Also Namjoon." 
Namjoon stopped and looked at me.
"Treat this kingdom well."
"Wait your saying-"
I nodded,
"All hail king Namjoon" 

~3 years later~

Third person P.O.V 
It had been a tough three years to fix the kingdom, but because of King Namjoon. They were able to make the kingdom a better place.
Jin and Jimin got married and had three boys. They lived far from the kingdom, but every once in awhile they would visit. Yoongi and Hoseok got married and decided that they didn't want to have kids just yet. They both opened a bakery in the kingdom and it's been thriving in sales.  Tae and Jungkook are engaged and Tae is 5 months pregnant with a girl. Jungkook continued to be a knight and defend the kingdom, to provide for his new family. 

-The End-

Thank you all for reading this story. It has been very fun writing this story and now I'm ready to create a new story!
(What the new story is going to be about... I have no idea. If you have any requests or recommendations, just let me know!)

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