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For the first time

In all my years of living,

I've felt what it's like

To have your heart pound

So stubbornly within your chest

That everything in the world

Seems mute in comparison

I've never felt so anxious and afraid

With the only antidote to my worries

Being your voice.

And for the first time

In all my years of living,

I've learned what it feels like

To leave all your emotions bare

And scattered

At the feet of someone you love.

And never before,

Did anyone bother to pick up the pieces

And keep them close to his chest

In a humble wooden box

Like you did.

For the first time,

I fight the elastic smile on my face

That snaps back every time you cross my mind

And even the monsters in the back of my head

Runaway with just the smallest thought of


You're the first

That I've been so open with.

You're the first that laughs with me

At my own petty jealousy—

Hopefully, because we both realized

That there's no need for doubt

Since we've found each other.

And for the hundredth time and onwards

I will thank God every day

That we did.

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