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5 years later

"Hazel. You here?" Zeke knocks on my front door.

"Yeah, coming!" I open the door.

I got my apartment and I'm still living in San Diego, just a few blocks away from my parents. I run my business from my apartment now.

"You rea-?" Zeke asks. "Wow, you look beautiful," he pulls me closer and kisses me.

"Thanks handsome," I smile.

I'm wearing a off shoulder black dress with high heels. Zeke told me we're going to a fancy restaurant and I should dress nice. He is in a pair of black pants and a white buttoned shirt with his sleeves rolled up.

"Put this on," Zeke hands me a blindfold while we're sitting in the car.

I follow his instructions and starts to drive. He finally stops and he leads me out of the car. I still haven't taken the blindfold off.

"You may take it off now," Zeke says.

I'm standing in a theater. Ed Sheeran is on the stage and he starts to sing, 'Perfect'. Infront is a table for two and rose pedals on the floor. On the tabel is candles. I turn around to give Zeke a hug. My eyes fall to the floor where he is on one knee.

"Hazel. I knew you where the one from day one. I tried to keep my feelings for myself, but I just couldn't. Since that first kiss when we were like two years old, it was you and it is still you. We've been through a lot and it made us stronger. I want to wake up next to you every morning and go to sleep with you in my arms every night. Will you marry me," Zeke smiles up at me , a few tears falls from his eyes.

"Yes," I stick my left hand out and his slids the ring on.

I give him a hug as tight as I can.

"I love you," I whisper into his ear.

"Love you too," he whispers.

We dance to the song and kiss a lot.

I can't wait to marry him. The man of my dreams...

The End

So this is the end! I hope you enjoyed my book. Sorry for errors. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading it and if you liked it, spread the word.

I'm going to be starting on my new book soon. I'm thinking about a action packed or mysterious book? Idk?

Love you all❤️

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