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LORELEI was exhausted as her quest to find Scott Lang wasn't going according to plan. She had been in the past for a month and had yet to find Ant-man. The only thing Lorelei had managed to do was keep tabs on Aurora, who was now nearly twelve. Lorelei had seen the pictures of her daughter across the news, TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER. It pained her to see her daughter be raised by someone who wasn't her. Lorelei had to constantly remind herself that this was for the greater good.

Currently, Lorelei was listening to her daughter give a speech about having an armour of suits around the world, something many people didn't agree with. Lorelei saw her own fiery spirit in Aurora, as she also did in Zaria, wherever she was. The forty-some-year-old sighed as she watched her daughter slam down hate comments, stating that she was qualified to make these claims.

"Spark is the best, isn't she Daddy?" A little girl exclaimed, holding onto a Spark doll. Lorelei looked over her shoulder to find the man she was looking for. Standing maybe ten feet away from her was Scott Lang and his daughter Cassie. "She's my favourite superhero, after you of course." Lorelei stood up, making her way towards Scott when the lights flickered. Suddenly gunshots came through the windows, causing chaos to irrupt.

"Remain calm!" Aurora exclaimed, lighting her hands on fire and jumping off the stage. Lorelei rushed past the crowd of scared people, covering her body in metal to protect herself. In all the commotion, the lights turned off and a scream was heard. "Everyone run!" In a quick flash, Aurora was soaked, causing her to be unable to use her fire powers. "Shit."

"Language Aurora," Lorelei exclaimed as she jumped towards her daughter, going into protective-mom-mode. She shot blades of metal into the dark, hitting the guns that were lurking. In one swift action, a taser found it's way to Lorelei, who was standing next to the soaked Aurora. She fell over due to the shock running through her body.

"Get the girl, now!" A man shouted in Russian.

"Yes Taskmaster," a group of men replied in Russian, the men grabbing Aurora and busting out of the building. Boy, this would make international news, TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER: KIDNAPPED. Although Lorelei was in a grave amount of pain, she tried her best to stand up, letting her metal bodysuit down before rushing out of the limelight. Police were arriving, Tony Stark and Rhodey alongside them. Lorelei watched from the sidelines as Tony went nuts that his daughter was missing. Her heart couldn't help but break at the thought of her kidnapped daughter. While it had only been a month for Lorelei since she has seen Aurora, it had been roughly five years since Aurora saw her mother. It would make sense that her daughter found a new parental figure.

"What do you mean my daughter was taken? I want every single cop on this, now!"

"Daddy, what happened to Spark?" Cassie asked, sparking Lorelei's attention. She spun around to find that Scott and Cassie were still there, Scott being one of the hundreds of people being questioned by the police to see if he knew what happened. Lorelei made her way over Cassie, Scott, and the police officer.

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