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AURORA sat in the lobby of a hospital with Scott on her left and Sam on her right. The three were silent, watching the television as it spoke of Aurora's recuse.

"Spark has been saved! Aurora Stark was just recently recused by fellow superheroes, Falcon, Vision, Ant-Man, and the unknown heroine, Mercury. It's said however that Mercury was shot in the process so the heroes are currently in the hospital, waiting to hear if the heroine has made it." Aurora turned away from the television, resting her head on Scott's shoulder. Although Scott seemed calm, underneath his mask was the face of a man in panic. The young girl flinched when Sam's phone went off.

"It's your dad, Roar. Want me to answer?" Aurora nodded softly before Sam answered Tony Stark, who was as distressed as the three in the waiting room. "Hey Tony, yeah, she's here. We're at the hospital in San Francisco."

"What hospital? Is Rory okay?" Tony asked in a frenzy, both Aurora and Scott were able to hear him even though he wasn't on speakerphone.

"She's fine Tony, but her mother isn't. We're at Saint Francis Memorial if you want to know more." With the end of Sam's sentence, Tony hung up, likely on his way to the hospital. Aurora sat up, looking at Scott.

"What happens if she makes it? Will she be staying here?" She asked quietly, thinking out loud.

"You'll have to ask her when she comes out of surgery. And not if, when," Scott reassured everyone, adjusting in his seat. Aurora left out a sniffle as a tear rolled down her face. There have been many times people close to her have faced near-death situations, but this one had to affect her the most. Tony nearly dying in the attack on New York hadn't affected her as badly because she nearly died with him. When Nick Fury 'died' she was strong, probably because she had doubts about his death. Even when Pietro died to save Clint, Aurora was strong, mostly due to the fact she barely knew the man. This was different, it was her mother who could die for saving her life. "She's going to make it Rory."

SCOTT was right, Lorelei came out of surgery alive and well. She was resting in her room with Scott and Aurora sitting in chairs by her bed. Sam had to leave to get Vision and return the Quinjet for Steve. Tony was rushing up to the hospital with Happy Hogan and Rhodey closely behind him.

"Where's Aurora Stark? Where's my daughter?" Tony asked as he reached the front desk, the woman working quickly to please Tony Stark.

"So did you say her mother is here?" Happy asked, Tony nodding. "Is she go-"

"Going to take Aurora back? I don't know," Tony finished Happy's question, following the nurse who was currently leading the three men towards Lorelei's room. Rhodey and Happy waited behind Tony as he froze. There she was, his daughter who had been missing for roughly a week or two. Aurora sat in the chair, staring at her mother, not a scratch on the preteen. "Aurora."

"Rory, uh, your dad's here," Scott whispered as he looked up at the Tony Stark. Aurora turned around, a smile appearing on her face as she ran over to Tony, Rhodey, and Happy.

"Dad! Uncle Rhodey! Happy! It's so good to see you guys again!" She exclaimed. Tony held her tightly, picking her up.

"So, uh, are we going to discuss the lady on the bed right now or?" Rhodey asked as Tony set his daughter down. Aurora turned to face her mother who was stirring in her sleep.

"Dad, Uncle Rhodey, Happy, that's my mother, Lorelei Jenkins. Oh, and that's Ant-Man over there," Aurora introduced, not using Scott's actual name as he was still in his Ant-Man suit. The brunette walked over to Lorelei's bed, grabbing her hand softly. "Mom?"

"Rory? Is that you?" Lorelei asked in a raspy voice, squeezing her eyes shut from the bright light.

"Yeah, it's me. We have to talk," Rory whispered softly as Lorelei sat up, quickly noticing the men in her room. "Uh, that's James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, and Tony Stark."

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Jenkins," Happy said, Lorelei nodding as she locked eyes with Tony. Scott cleared his throat causing everyone to look at him.

"Sorry, uh, but I'm just gonna say what everyone wants to say. What's going to happen with Aurora?" All the adults glanced from Tony to Lorelei and back again, unsure who would speak up first. Aurora shuffled her feet awkwardly, not quite sure what the adults were going to decide.

"That's up to Aurora," Lorelei told the group, looking at her daughter. "What do you want to happen Rory?"

"I- uh, I like living with Dad and I don't want to leave him, but I still want to see you," Aurora whispered, squeezing her mother's hand.

"That's fine with me Rory. I know I haven't been around and I'm very grateful you found a home with someone like Tony."

"Where were you?" Tony blurted out, arms crossed. "I found Aurora alone and nearly dead in Afghanistan nearly five years ago. It's been five years and you've never tried to contact her." Lorelei sighed, shifting herself upwards in her bed. She knew she couldn't tell Tony the truth, especially since she knew Aurora didn't remember their mission.

"I have no idea how she ended up in Afghanistan alone, but I was off world. As unbelievable as it sounds, I worked for a secret government group and we would go around the galaxy to nearby planets to save and protect them. That's what my late husband did. I was just a scientist for that organization. A month or two ago things went under and I lost my job. That's how I ended up in San Francisco. I never knew where Aurora was until a month ago," Lorelei explained, twisting the truth completely.

"That explains why Rory's so good at science," Rhodey mumbled to no one in particular. Lorelei sighed as Tony still had his arms crossed.

"I didn't know where she was until very recently and that's the truth. I'm not going to force Rory to come back into my custody, but I'm just asking to still be able to see her."

"Dad," Aurora said, leaving her mother's side and walking over to Tony. "I want to see her, she's my mother."

"Alright, whatever you want Aurora." Aurora smiled, rushing back over towards her mother.

"Dad? Could you get her a job at Stark Industries? Please?" Tony sighed at Aurora, looking down into her chocolate brown, puppy dog eyes and giving in. 

"Fine, I'll see what I can do. In the mean time, let's go out for lunch. We can even get Lorelei something too," Tony said, Aurora grinning ear to ear.

"Mom? What do you and S- Ant-Man want for lunch? We'll be back in an hour at most."

"A cheeseburger is fine, Rory," Lorelei said with a smile, Scott nodding. With that Aurora said her goodbyes before leaving with Tony, Rhodey, and Happy. Scott took off his helmet once they left.

"I'm very impressed with how mature you acted there. I thought you would've ripped off Tony Stark's head," Scott said with a smile.

"He makes Aurora happy so I guess I'll deal with him as nicely as I can," she replied. "Scott, this might be too soon and sound really weird but would you want to go out sometime, like on a date?"

"Sure Lore, that sounds good." The two smiled at each other before discussing the battle against Taskmaster and how they could make a great team. Perhaps they could make more than just a great team.

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