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ZARIA Nicole Jenkins was born on a cold December night in Alaska. She was a mistake, her parents never planned on becoming parents at the young tender ages of seventeen and eighteen. Lorelei Jenkins and her boyfriend at the time, Harrison Osborn, messed up badly and only Lorelei would pay the price. Harrison, a distant relative of Harry Osborn, had left her once she announced her pregnancy.

"Honey, I'm gonna need you to push," a woman said as Lorelei let out a painful scream. She wasn't prepared for her baby to show up just before Christmas. Zaria wasn't due until early March and she was supposed to be born in New York. Lorelei was going to visit her best friend's family up north and have a good time, giving birth was not a part of the plan.

"Cory, I'm so mad at you right now!" Lorelei screamed, sweat dripping down her nose.

"Me? Why?" Cory asked as Lorelei squeezed his hand painfully.

"I'm in a shed giving birth to my child when in New York I'd be at the hospital!"

"Hey, I'm sorry Lore but I just thought you could use one last vacation before your kid was born," Cory explained, Lorelei ignoring him. She screamed once more, breathing heavily.

Zaria wasn't born for another two hours, making her born the morning of Christmas Eve in the middle of nowhere, Alaska. Just like her conception, her name was a mistake too. Her name was meant to be Aria but in her tried state, Lorelei said Zaria. Nicole was Cory's mother's name, a woman who became Lorelei's new mother after her mother disowned her.

"You are destined for great things, Aria," Cory whispered as he held the baby close to his chest, watching as her baby blue eyes darted around the shed. He was right, Zaria was destined to do great things, that being saving the world.


ON her twentieth birthday, Zaria learned she would be getting a half-sister, something the woman was weary about.

"Mom, I'm not saying I'm not happy for you and Cory, but is now really the time to be having another kid? Aakon, Xandar, and Harum have already been taken over or destroyed by the Titians. You want to raise a child in a universe that has no one to protect it from these Gods?" Zaria exclaimed after her mother told her the good news. The two were at Zaria's small apartment in Georgia, Lorelei frowning as her daughter spoke.

"We have people protecting our planet, what do you think Cory does for a living?" Lorelei shouted, standing up from her seated spot on Zaria's couch.

"They killed Thor, the like five-thousand-year-old God. Captain Marvel, she's been gone for nearly fifty years, and she was born in like the 1970s or some shit!" Zaria argued, Lorelei crossed her arms.

"Just because shit is going on in the galaxy doesn't mean we have to stop living our lives!" Just as Zaria went to rebuttal, there was a loud crash outside, the two women rushing to Zaria's balcony. Outside, a few hundred yards away was a crashed ship, one that didn't look Earth-like.

"Holy shit! I've gotta go," Zaria then rushed off, running out of her apartment and jumping on her motorcycle. Lorelei shook her head as her daughter rode off, heading towards the crash site. She reached into her bag, grabbing her earpiece and putting it in, tapping it. "There's been a ship crash here in Georgia, not too far from my home. Anyways, this ship doesn't look like it's from Earth. I don't believe it's the Titans but what if it's like our saving grace inside? Maybe it's someone who could defeat the Titans before they reach Earth."

"Whu eri yua?" A voice said, Zaria's eyes widening as she swerved her motorcycle, skidding her leg on the gravel road. "O'll esk egeon, whu eri yua?" Zaria looked up to see what appeared to be a woman but was really an alien.

"I'm going to use the universal translator created by Doctor Stanley," Zaria explained, pulling out what looked like a Walkman from her bag. She pressed a few buttons before speaking. "I am Zaria Jenkins, from Earth or Terra. Who are you?" Her words went through the translator and came out in the language of the alien. "They are speaking a language called Harlumian which appears to be the language spoken on the planet Harum. Their language is like English only it changes all the vowels in our words."

"O em Renkurs Yagen, frum Harum," Renkurs told Zaria, stepping towards her slowly.

"Renk—Ren— could I call you Wren for short?" Zaria asked as she moved the hologram of what she was recording lower before opening a holographic internet tab. Wren snapped her fingers at Zaria, causing the woman to jump. "Why are you snapping?"

"Ot's huw wi sey yis," Wren explained, Zaria nodding.

"That's how we say yes, by nodding. Now, I'm currently looking up everything about your people, the Harums. Do you want to tell me why you're on Earth?" Zaria clicked a few more buttons on her translator, letting it seem like Wren was speaking English in the video.

"Cronus, Cronus took over my planet. As princess of Harum, my parents sent me here as the last Harum to warn you. Terra is next."

"Holy shit," Zaria mumbled, staring wide-eyed at Wren.

"I couldn't protect my own planet, so now I must protect yours. Who is in charge of Terra? I must speak to the leaders."

"Don't worry, once this report goes out, all the world leaders will be rushing to Atlanta to meet you." Zaria finished her video, uploading it to her news report website. "Come with me, I'll get you some more humanlike clothes."

"Ukey Zaria."

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