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PAST Nebula had captured present Nebula and Lorelei. Since Lorelei couldn't find her wristband, she was trapped in the past with Nebula. 2014 Nebula was fighting off her future self along with Lorelei. Lorelei had her metal skin up, using a katana against past Nebula.

"You're weak," past Nebula said, punching Lorelei in the stomach.

"I'm you." 2014 Nebula threw a punch straight at present Nebula. She used Lorelei's katana to fight the woman as Gamora walked into the room.

"I don't want to hurt you," Lorelei told the past version of Nebula, doing her best to dodge instead of charge. Gamora, unaware of who Lorelei was, used her own dagger to stab the woman in the lower abdomen. All Gamora saw was some metal woman attacking her sister, and while she and Nebula didn't get along, she didn't want Nebula to die. "Oh shit."

"You can stop this. You know you want to. Did you see what happens in the future? Thanos finds the soul stone. You wanna know how he does that? You wanna know what he does to you?" Present Nebula said as Lorelei slid down next to her, holding onto her bleeding wound.

"That's enough. You disgust me. But that doesn't mean you're useless." Past Nebula stole the golden plate on the side of present Nebula's face and wore it herself. Lorelei wincing in pain. "How do I look?"

"Hey aren't going to trust you, especially without me coming back with you," Lorelei groaned. Past Nebula narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"I'll tell them the truth. You were killed."


BACK at Avengers HQ, everyone traveled back to the present, looking around to see all the recovered stones. Wren was standing beside the Quantum platform, smiling as nearly everyone came back.

"Did you get them all?" Wren asked.

"You telling me this'll actually work?" There was a pause as everyone started to realise two people were missing.

"Mom?" Aurora asked.

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asked. Clint remained silent, that telling everyone all they needed to know. Bruce fell to his knees and pounded the floor in grief. Rhodey looked over at Nebula.

"Where's Lorelei? She was fine when we left," he said. Aurora felt her eyes water up as she waited for Nebula to explain.

"She was stabbed. Someone found us and they killed her." Aurora bursted out into tears, falling onto her knees like Bruce. Losing Natasha was hard enough, but her mother on top of that. Scott rushed over to Aurora, wrapping his arms around her while he cried.

"She can't be gone, she can't be!" Aurora sobbed. Wren jogged over to the pair, joining them in their mourning. "We didn't get to say goodbye, to either of them!"

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