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EVEN though Scott told Lorelei they needed to work together as a team before going to recuse Aurora, Lorelei took the reins and got Scott to borrow his friend's van to drive to the warehouse. She intended on working with Scott when it came to their game plan but once she saw Aurora in that pool of water, that flew out the window.

"I'll distract Taskmaster and his minions, you shrink down and run to Aurora. Once she's freed, leave. I don't care if I make it out, it's all about Aurora, got it?"

"Lorelei, I don't think—"

"I said got it Scott?" She repeated in a sterner tone as she speed down the freeway, listening to the directions her laptop was providing.

"I got it Lorelei, I just don't think it'll work."

"She's my daughter Scott, you'd be doing the same thing if it were Cassie." Scott knew he could fight Lorelei on that because she was right. Had that been Cassie, Scott would be driving to her in a heartbeat to save her. "Now, as a last resort, if you can't get Aurora free, make sure you talk to her, ask her how to defeat Taskmaster. I know her and she's gotta know how to stop him."

"Okay Lorelei." Scott began to fiddle with the radio as the silence became awkward and practically unbearable. As he flicked through channels, one spoke about Aurora and her almost week-long disappearance.

"Aurora Stark, Tony Stark's daughter and the superhero Spark, was kidnapped six days ago at a speaking event she hosted, explaining how the world needs suits of armour, Ironman armour, all around. Partway through her speech, the lights went out and a villain going by the name Taskmaster kidnapped her. Tony Stark and the government have been working hard on bringing her back alive and safely but the search seems hopeless. If anyone has any information, please contact Stark Industries or local police."

"Are you sure we shouldn't call Stark Industries? Maybe the Avengers could help us?"

"No Scott, we're not calling them. Too many people could ruin our plan."

"You mean your plan," Scott said, instantly regretting his words as he was met with a stern glare from Lorelei. "Sorry, sorry. Oh hey, look! We're here!" Lorelei pulled the car over quickly and roughly. "Jesus!" She took out the keys, turned off her laptop and hopped out of the van, Scott doing the same. "So I go around the back, you go around the front and cause the diversion?"

"Yep," Lorelei said as her body became covered in a metal layer, two sai forming in her hands. "Good luck and don't die." With that she ran off, Scott watching her.

"Great motivational speech," he mumbled before heading towards the back entrance.

LORELEI busted into the warehouse to find a group of men, Taskmaster's minions, playing poker while shouting in Russian. She took a few steps towards them before throwing one sai, it landing in the middle of the table. All the men turned to the silver lady.

"Game time's over boys," Lorelei told them in Russian, her sai turning into a katana before she threw it at one man, decapitating the man. The men pulled out their guns, firing away at Lorelei but each bullet ricocheted off of her silver skin. "Come on, you can't do better than that?" She walked closer to the men, slicing and dicing them like they were vegetables she was using to make dinner.

"Joseph! Call the boss, warn the others!" One man shouted before he was cut off by Lorelei's katana. Joseph ran off, pulling out his phone and dialling Taskmaster's number. Lorelei ran after him, throwing metal blades at Joseph.

"Boss! It's the silver lady! She found us and is heading towards the kid!" Joseph exclaimed in Russian before he was hit in the back with a metal blade. Lorelei strolled over to the phone, picking it up.

"You think you can beat me Silver Lady but you can't," Taskmaster said over the phone in Russian.

"It's Mercury, just so you know." With that Lorelei crushed the phone in her hand, rushing towards the back of the warehouse. "Let's hope Scott is doing okay."

SCOTT didn't have anyone to fight as he made his way over to Aurora, shrunk down of course. Climbing up the side of the pool was like climbing a mountain, but Scott managed. He knew that if he didn't, he would have to face the wrath of Lorelei Jenkins. Making it up the pool, Scott worked his way over to Aurora's restraints.

"Aurora! Aurora Stark!" He called out in a low voice causing Aurora's head to shoot up. The nearly thirteen-year-old looked around her, finding no one. "Down by your hand!" Her chocolate brown eyes widened as she finally say Scott. "Hi, I'm Ant-Man and I'm here to recuse you."

"He knows you're here, he knows what you do before you do it," Aurora whispered, her eyes shifting around the room while Scott finished unlatching her first hand.

"We know that but what we don't know is how to defeat him. Do you know how?" Scott asked as he ran across the pool's ledge to Aurora's other hand restraint.

"Vision, Vision—" Before Aurora could say more, Taskmaster was standing above her, a gun in hand. He refastened her first restraint before bending down to be eye level with Scott.

"And here's Si— Mercury's partner in crime, just as I thought," Taskmaster said, this time he was speaking in English. Scott stared up at him in shock, not knowing what he could do. "You should've known better than trying to recuse this brat with only two people. Poor, poor planning."

"Hey Taskmaster, get a load of this!" Lorelei shouted, throwing her katana at him before creating a new one. He easily dodged it, walking closer to Lorelei, pulling a taser from his coat pocket. The woman's eyes widened as she knew electricity was a deadly weapon against herself. She began to throw any metal object she could at Taskmaster while Scott began to unfasten Aurora's restraints.

"Who are you? Why are you here to recuse Tony Stark's daughter?" Taskmaster asked as he dodged another piece of flying metal.

"I'm your worst nightmare," Lorelei replied in Russian, forming a ladder and climbing up it to avoid the taser that was getting closer and closer. While she had Taskmaster preoccupied, Scott managed to get Aurora out of the pool.

"Shouldn't we help her?" She asked in a soft whisper. Scott glanced from Aurora to Lorelei and back, recalling what Lorelei told him to do.

"We will, with more backup. Come on, we have to go now," Scott explained, becoming full sized and running out of the warehouse. Taskmaster spun around, rushing after the pair. Lorelei jumped in front of him, getting electrocuted while Aurora and Scott made it to the van, Scott speeding off.

"While Aurora might have gotten away, I've got something to get her back here, don't I?" Taskmaster smirked, looking down at an unconscious Lorelei, her silver layer gone. "What better way to get a young girl than torture her mother?"

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