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TITAN. 2017

DEALING with the gravitic aftermath of dumping a large chunk of moon onto an unstable planet's surface, Aurora found her suit being nearly destroyed, the only part remain being her left arm. The unconscious Guardians were flying upwards uncontrollably, moon-chunks were still making fiery ballistic inbounds, and random debris and massive rocks were floating in any possible direction. Aurora groaned as a piece of debris hit her back, causing the teen to go rolling on the ground. Peter began to web up the Guardians.

"I got you! I got you! I'm sorry I can't remember anybody's names!" The Cloak of Levitation set Doctor Strange down on a relatively stable outcrop as Thanos extricated himself from rubble. Strange made a few passes with his hands, producing the familiar golden magic filigree circles, and slammed his hands down on the rock before him, invoking the Seven Suns of Cinnibus as a lightning-like effect of immense heat jumping from rock to rock until it reached Thanos, sending him flying. However, Thanos made use of the erratic gravity to keep control and fire back a blast from the power stone. "Rory!" Peter exclaimed, swinging over to the injured girl. "Rory? Please be alive."

"Shit — Pete, I've gotta get as far away from Thanos as I can. We need Doctor Strange to open up a portal somewhere, anywhere but here!" Aurora exclaimed, wincing as she stood up.

"What do you mean? Rory?" No answer was given to Peter's question as Aurora took off, running in the opposite direction of Thanos and Doctor Strange. Strange blocked the blast with a wall of Mirror Dimension, which he then pushed back at Thanos. It shattered around the Titan, who suctioned the magic into a miniature black hole with the space stone, volleying it back at Strange. Just in time, Strange raised a shield and changed the dark energy into a swarm of aqua butterflies which returned to their master.

Before Thanos could counterattack again, Strange levitated and invoked the Images of Ikonn, giving him arms like a Hindu diety before dozens of Strange replications rushed away, forming a circular wall around a snarling Thanos. They called cast magical cords, wrapping around Thanos's torso, arms and hands; he struggled to close his gauntleted fist, and used the soul and power stones to discover the real Strange among the many copies, blowing the duplicates away and sending the singular Strange reeling. The space stone pulled Strange forward, Thanos grasping him by the throat once in range. Strange grabbed futilely at Thanos's hand.

"You're full of tricks, wizard." Thanos reached for the Eye of Agamotto.

"No!" Thanos snapped the Eye off its chain before crushing it in his bare hand.

"Yet you never once used your greatest weapon. A fake." He threw Strange hard enough that Strange's head hits stone and he passed out. Tony then entered, hard and fast, Aurora still running as far as she could with Peter behind her.

"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna to lose it."


"You know me?"

"I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge," Thanos replied.

"My only curse is you." Small rockets popped out of Tony's suit back and launched at Thanos.

"Come on!" The rockets all exploded on target, momentarily shrouding Thanos in smoke. Before it cleared, Tony pile-drove into Thanos horizontally, using his single super-jet boot configuration. As he bounced off, he flipped and stuck his landing, immediately reconfiguring his boots into ground clamping for stability and his gloves into rocket-driven battering rams, punching Thanos into a ruined wall behind him.

"Rory! What's going on?" Peter asked loudly as he used his webbing to stop his friend. Aurora spun around, her hands finding themselves resting on Peter's chest. "They need our help back there."

"I took a stone."


"When we were trying to get the gauntlet off, I took the red stone. I don't think Thanos knows yet. I have to get out of here before he does," Aurora explained in a frantic tone. "If you can get to Strange and take his sling-ring, then we can go back to Earth and get Wanda to destroy the stone!"

"Sling-ring, got it," Peter said before swinging off, heading back to where Tony was fighting Thanos.

"Please don't die Pete," Aurora whispered as she watched her friend swing off.

"All that for a drop of blood," Peter heard Thanos say as he swung towards Doctor Strange, trying to go unnoticed. Thanos smiled briefly and punched Tony, sending him pinwheeling, then started beating him with his fists. Tony attempted to block the blows with his forearms, but Thanos was relentless, picking him up by the helmet and blasting his midsection with the power stone. The gaps in nanite coverage were now gaping, as the armour lost the ability to recover from the intensity and extent of the damage. Tony landed hard from the powerful blast, struggling to one knee and firing his right-hand repulsor at the inexorable Thanos; the beam is easily deflected by the gauntlet.

"Sling-ring, sling-ring," Peter mumbled to himself as he stood over Strange, looking for the object Aurora briefly described. He noticed the sling-ring on Strange's waist, reaching for it.

"One chance Peter, choose your next actions wisely," Strange mumbled, slowly coming back into consciousness for a few moments.

"What?" Peter got no response as Strange slipped back into unconsciousness. The teen gripped the sling-ring tightly as he saw Tony get to both feet as his suit tried to complete repairs, adding the beam from his left hand as well. Thanos walked right up to him and backhanded the incomplete helmet completely off Tony's head. He crossed his arms to block a blow from Thanos's gauntlet and had his left hand caught over his head. In desperation, he formed what's left of his right glove into a shortsword, which is also easily caught by Thanos, snapping it off clean and driving it through Tony's left side.

"Pete!" Aurora exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down. Peter glanced from Tony to Aurora, rushing over to his best friend. "What's going on? Did you get it?"

"Rory, you're dad, he's — " Peter stopped himself, tears forming in both his and Aurora's eyes. "Doctor Strange, uh, he said we have two chances and to choose our actions wisely."

"You have to stay here. I'll go, it's what's supposed to happen," Aurora explained, glancing over to where Thanos walked her father back until he was sitting, placing the gauntlet on Tony's head. Aurora gulped back her tears, frowning as she looked at Peter.

"We can do it together Rory."

"No we can't Pete, it has to be me. Make sure Dad knows I love him." Aurora wrapped her arms around Peter, the two holding each other as if it was the last time, knowing it could very well be. "Don't die on me, Pete. I'll come back for you." Pulling away from the hug, Aurora put on the sling-ring, waving her hand as Wong and Strange taught her to. She opened a portal, stepping through it.

"I love you, Rory!" Peter shouted just before the portal closed, not giving Aurora a chance to reply.

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