Katherine Gold

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Hi, I'm Katherine Gold. I'm a sophomore at Goode High. I have red eyes and brown hair. I love reading books, watching movies and singing. I also hate PE with a burning passion. I know, I'm a total freakshow, but guess what? I don't give a shit. My best friends, Percy, Jake and Max and I were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. Max is my twin brother, and both he and Jake know about my big crush on Percy.

Percy is really hot. I'm not exaggerating. With his raven-black and beautiful sea-green eyes, he can easily pass of for one of the hottest guy in America. Girls at Goode are always asking him out, but he always rejects them saying he has a girlfriend.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Why do think you have a chance when he has a girlfriend? Well, here's my answer- no one , I mean NO ONE, believes that he has a girlfriend. Everyone thinks he just made her up to let down the girls(and boys) slowly. I mean, come on, he describes her as if she's some goddess!

"Hey guys, guess what?" Jake said.

"What, Jake?" Max said,"I'm really not in the mood for your pranks right now"

Yeah, did I forget to mention that? Jake and Percy are the pranking duo of our school. They prank people anonymously, so they never get into trouble. of course, their pranks don't hurt anyone but they're still ridiculously funny.

"I've got 4 awesome tickets to the Far From Home movie! For tonight!" Jake pretty much shouted. Yep, we were all Marvel geeks and we're proud of it.

"AWESOME!" Max shouted. He's bipolar like that.

"I'm sorry guys I can't come tonight. My girlfriend's coming over," Percy said.

"Yeah, the girlfriend who doesn't exist," I murmured. "We wont have as much fun without  you, though," I said louder.

"Yes, you will," Percy said.

"Yeah, I know. I was just trying to make you feel better," I replied and laughed.

I was trying to figure out a good time ask him out. I thought that I could ask him tonight, after the movie  but he's not coming. I decided that I would ask him today before going home. 

The bell rang signaling the end of the last period. I hurried to catch Percy before he left, but I was too late. 'Oh well,' I thought.

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(At the theater)

"I am so PUMPED!" I shouted ."I cant wait to watch the movie! I also shouldn't have drank two cups of coffee before I came here!"

As we were waiting for the movie to be played on the screen, I heard a laugh coming from behind that sounded suspiciously familiar. I turned back and saw Percy sitting with his arm around a blonde with sparkling grey eyes. Percy looked so comfortable and at ease that I almost didn't recognise him. Emphasis on almost. At school, he was always tensed as if something was going to bust through the walls and eat him up. I was about to call out to him, but the movie started and I forgot about him.

(After the movie ended)

"That was awesome! I've never seen any movie better!" Jake said.

"I agree. That was easily the best movie I've seen in a long time" i said

"Exactly! Poor Percy. He missed the most amazing movie of all time!" Max said. "Woah-"

Just as he said that, he bumped into a tall guy with raven-black hair that I could recognise anywhere.

"Percy! What the hell, man! You told us your 'girlfriend' was coming!" Jake said.

Then I saw the blonde he was sitting with in the movies. 'Please be a related, please be related' i thought.

"She did come over! This is my girlfriend!" Percy said, gesturing towards the blonde who was holding his hand.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth," she said.

I felt my heart break into a million tiny pieces. Ignoring the sympathetic looks from Jake and Max, I said, "Hi, I'm Katherine."

Percy and Annabeth looked so much in love. They held each other as if they were going to be seperated any minute. I could never break that bond, even if I tried.

"How long have you guys dated for?" Jake asked.

"Almost an entire year. But, we were best friends since we were twelve." Annabeth said.

And that's when I realised that sure, I felt sad that my crush found love in another woman, but he was happy. With that, I got over my crush on Percy. At least, a little.

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After Percy and Annabeth left, Jake turned towards me.

"I'm really sorry about Percy. But maybe you'll find love in someone else," Jake said.

I smiled. "Thanks Jake. But really, I'm fine. A little sad, yes, but fine." I replied

Maybe Jake was right. Maybe i will find love someday. i will love somebody and they will love me back.

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