It Just Wasn't Meant To Be

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Trigger warning. Mentions of suicide. Read with caution.

Annabeth was sitting with Percy in his hall, watching a movie. Well, he was watching a movie, but she was thinking. Percy, as usual, was oblivious to how much attention she was paying to the movie and just held her hand, completely engrossed in the movie. Annabeth was thinking about what she had done, a mere month ago, and how grateful she was that she had survived.


Annabeth was in her bathroom. Her dad was in California for some work thing. Her mother had passed away when she was a small child. The only person who she had, was Percy. But, sometimes, she felt that it wasn't enough. She wanted somebody else. She had no other friends. Everyone thought she was a know-it-all and a freak. She was lonely. She was just sitting idle, that day, when she decided to do it.

She held the knife against her wrist and slashed. It hurt, but she welcomed the pain. The blood was dripping down her hand and fingers. She fell to the floor, and the last thing she saw was a woman with long black hair that framed her face in ringlets.

She woke up the next day, with her hand bandaged and lying on her bed, with a blanket covering her. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, to see no blood on the floor and the only proof of what happened yesterday was her bandaged hand.

End of Flashback**

Annabeth never told Percy what she did that night. Or at least, what she tried to do. She always covered her wrist, either by wearing a long sleeved shirt or some watch or bracelet. Percy didn't notice her sudden obsession with bracelets. Obviously, simply because he was a seaweed brain.

She didn't know who saved her that night. She just knew that the woman had long black hair. She also thought she had brown eyes, but she wasn't sure. She was, after all, about to lose consciousness. But she was happy that whoever saved her, saved her. She didn't think she could have left Percy like that. She turned back to the movie. The Little Mermaid was playing. It was one of Percy's most favorite movies. She looked at Percy, who was almost falling asleep. She pulled his head down, onto her lap and threaded her fingers into his hair.

Percy sighed, contentedly and buried his face into her stomach. Annabeth laughed.

"You know, Seaweed Brain, if you were this tired I wouldn't have come."

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you I was tired. I'm sorry, but practice was a nightmare. Besides, Mom already made food for you and left. You can't waste food like that, Wise Girl."

"Oh, come on, Seaweed Brain! You've been in the swim team for the past two years and you were captain for one of them. You should be used to it."

"That doesn't make it less tiring," he said, turning to look at her.

Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's go eat dinner. Sally made us some pasta for tonight."


"Even if you don't want to have dinner immediately, Seaweed Brain, I do. So get off of me."

Percy pouted and moved. Annabeth went over to the kitchen and heated up the pasta. Percy came and hugged her from behind, kissing her on the cheek.

"I love ya, Wise Girl."

"I love ya, too, Seaweed Brain."

Annabeth put the food on plates and they went back to the living room to watch something while eating. Annabeth wanted to watch this documentary on Greek Architecture. But, obviously, she couldn't do that if Percy was there. Percy would watch the first fifteen minutes. And, then, he would play with her hair for another fifteen minutes. Then, he would start complaining for the rest of the documentary. 

In the end, they decided to watch Iron Man again. They cuddled on the couch and ate their food. Once they were done with their food, Annabeth went to wash the dishes. She took off bracelets for sometime because she hated when they got wet and she had to wear them like that.

"Annabeth! Come back, where are you?!"

"I'm coming, Percy. Give me 5 minutes."

She hurried with the dishes and headed back to the living room. Percy, upon seeing her, opened his arms and gestured her to come closer. She sat next to him on the couch and he pulled her close enough, that she was practically on his lap.Annabeth laughed as he wrapped his hands around hers, complaining about how cold they were. He brought her hands to his mouth, when he noticed it.

"Annabeth, what is this?"

And that's when Annabeth realized that she had forgotten to put her bracelets back on. She froze, not knowing what to say. Percy turned her around, so, she was now facing him.

"Wise Girl? How did you get that scar?"

"It's nothing, Perce. Don't worry about it."

"Anna, tell me."

Annabeth sighed and looked at him. He wasn't going to give up that easily.

"You remember that time, about a month ago, when you'd gone to visit your family  with Sally?


"Well, during that time I got very lonely. I was just thinking about life in general, you know? Then, it.. um.. turned a little... dark. I cut myself. I did it and I was gonna die. But, this woman had come. I don't know who it was and why she did it. But, she saved me."

By the time Annabeth was done with her story, Percy was on the verge of tears. His sea-green eyes were pooled with tears and Annabeth scolded herself for being the cause of it.

"Annabeth. You listen to me. You hear me?" He said, grabbing my shoulders and pulling her close. Well, closer, "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. The people who don't understand that are all idiots. There is absolutely no reason for you to feel depressed or do that shit ever again. Did you understand?"

Annabeth couldn't say anything so she just nodded.

"Gods, Anna. I can't even imagine a life without you. I have no idea what I would without you. Whoever that person who saved you is, I am eternally grateful to her. I l-"

Annabeth looked at him. He stopped speaking and his eyes were on her with a look she couldn't place. Her thinking was cut short when she felt a soft pair of lips touch hers. It took her a second to realize that Percy was kissing her. Percy was kissing her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. Percy smiled and pulled back.

"i love you, Annabeth."

Annabeth's grin was wider than ever when she said, "I love you too, Percy."

Percy grinned back at her and placed his lips on hers again. That's when she realized that it just wasn't meant to be. She wasn't meant to die. She had her whole life ahead of her. A whole life ahead of her, with Percy.


And that's a wrap! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

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