Cole's P. O. V

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"Novio?" "Yes, abucheo?" "What does it mean when a guy ... Ok, let's say ... Aight, if we weren't together but you liked me, what would you do to get my attention in a physical manner?" Kyrie asks and I think. "Well, I might sit next to you, I might touch you." "Like putting your leg against mine?" "Something like that. Why?" "Just wondering. Hungry?" She replies and then walks out. I follow behind her and say, "Why did you ask me that?" "I said I was just wondering." "Nah. I know you way too well. What happened? Did someone try to push up on you?" "No. It seriously just crossed my mind." Novia replies but I know she's lying to keep the peace. I'm gonna find out though.

*The Next Day*

I was in the art room working on a drawing. It was a lyrical/word picture of the family. "Damn, big head. I ain't know you could draw like that." I hear and turn around. Kyla is standing there. "Oh shit. Hey, sis." I say as I get up and hug her. "Hey, bro. How you been?" "Chilling, chilling. How about you?" "I've been straight." She replies. I put my easel in the closet and my supplies back in my bag before walking out with her. "Trilla! Get your ass back here!" We hear as we walk to the lockers. "Tray and Santos still bumping heads?" I ask the crew and they nod. "I told them that they need to duke it out but they don't wanna listen." Rae says and we laugh. "Oh. Lola, this is Kyla. Kyla, this is Lola." Kyrie says, introducing the girls to one another. The bell rings and we all head to first period. Minus Kyla and Lola. They got separated from the bunch.

*After School*

We all were standing in the parking lot when we hear Kyrie's name being called. I watch as her head whips around and finally lands on the culprit. She buries her head in Tray's chest. "Hey, Kyrie." This dude said. Now let me clarify. A year ago, I'd be all over lil mama. But now, I don't even sweat it when dudes talk to her. Because I trust her and I know for a fact that she's all mine. "Hey, Quan. Uh, what are you doing here?" "My little sister goes here." "Oh, for real? Who is she?" I ask and before he can respond, a voice that everyone knows and hates screams, "Quan!" We all look to see Joanie rushing towards us. "Fuck no!" We all say in unison. "Hey, NeNe." Quan says. "Well, it was nice seeing you. Gotta go." Kyrie says and she motions for all of us to load the fuck up. "Hold on. Is that Cole?" Joanie says and Kyrie's back becomes erect as hell. Bae not jealous but Joanie is probably the only female she'll put hands on about me. And that's because Joanie has no respect for others' things. But I saw a change in her. "I ain't even finna go there." Novia says and sits in the car. "Imma go talk to her." Quan says. "Nah. I got that." "I'm just trying to help." "We appreciate the gesture but we don't need any help." I respond and he stares at me. My stare is unwavering and I have a gut feeling that I'm really gonna have to come out myself in the future to reinforce my position. And I really don't wanna do that. "Come on, Quan." Joanie says and pulls him away. As soon as they're outta sight, Tray says, "Damn. I knew y'all were ride or dies for one another but that just blew my muffin cap back blue." And even though it was still a little tension in the air, we all laughed and the atmosphere returned to normal. "Kyrie and I are staying after school. If y'all see mom and nem, tell them we'll be home before dinner." I say and go to the car door. Novia's face was solemn. "Stop worrying. I'm not mad." "How did you-." "Same way you did." I say and grab her arm, pulling her out the car and back into the school. We go into the art room and I take out my easel. As I sit there painting, I ask, "Who is Quan?" "A guy from the college." "Math class with him?" "Yessir." "And is he the reason you asked me that question?" "Yea. I probably should've came out and told you straight up." "No. What you did was caution. You weren't sure what it meant and you got an opinion. I would've done the same so I wouldn't have your guard up for nothing." "I guess." She replies and even though I can't see her, I know that she's seconds from crying. Even though her voice doesn't display that. "Come here." I say and I hear her walk up behind me. "Sit." I demand and she does. "I know you don't wanna accept it but haters come with the territory. You have to realize that we're no ordinary couple and we have a bond like no other. So stop tripping. When you go back to the college, focus on passing Algebra 2. Not some fuck boy who wants what he can't have. Understand?" I say and she nods. I grab her chin and bring her face closer, repeating, "Understand?" With a lot more authority in my voice and she says, "Yes." And I kiss her in reply.

*Several hours later*

I was laying in my bed looking at all the drawings on my ceiling. I had some from every member of our close knit family. All of a sudden, my phone starts blowing up with messages. Before I could read the first one, Mom Dukes is calling me. "Hello?" "Cole, we need you to come over." "Why?" "Kyrie." "I'll be there in 10." I reply and pull on a shirt and grab my keys. I was fucking pushing it down her street. I hope my baby girl is ok.

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