Chapter One | A Trip to the Caribbean

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The song of the summer rushed in my ears. Not the latest pop hit my uber driver played on the radio, but the crash of ocean waves outside my open car window. I poked my face into the salty sea breeze, my brown eyes trained on the blur of turquoise we drove by.

The car shifted lanes, tearing me from the ocean view. A taupe-stoned building loomed ahead, over the palm trees that lined the street. The driver pulled up to the front courtyard, bursting with tropical flowers amidst huge green leaves.

"Here we are," the driver said. "The Island Paradise Apartments."

"Thank you so much." I paid her, then stepped into the humid air with my brand new suitcase and paisley tote.

I paused on the sidewalk. Miles and miles of clear Caribbean ocean stretched in the distance. Excitement tingled in my veins. The water was calling, beckoning me to swim with it. I couldn't wait to spend every day for the next four weeks tanning in the golden sun, jogging on the white sand, and swimming in the glassy sea.

The back pocket of my jean shorts vibrated. My palm closed around the rubber case of my iPhone, and I checked my text messages.

Hey, sis! Did you arrive yet? Can't wait to see you!!!

I smiled. It was from my sister Lani, who I would stay with for the next month. Though I could easily stare at the ocean for hours, she was expecting me to arrive at any moment. My eyes wandered to the waves one last time before I grabbed my luggage and started through the courtyard.

I meandered down a stone path, the sweet, crisp air cleansing my lungs. It swelled into a light breeze that tousled my long, auburn hair, carrying the chirps of birds from palm trees overhead. I soaked in the blissful moment, relished every step I took through the paradise. It was too good to be true. After months of planning, I was finally here in the Bahamas, relaxing with my sister for an entire month.

It wasn't long before I walked through glass double doors and entered the lobby. My breath caught in my throat. The walls were a deep yellow color, as if painted with liquid gold. Overhead, a crystal chandelier brightened the room with fluorescent light. To my left, residents in suits chatted in an alcove with velvet couches. I forced myself forward, toward a line of elevators, my sneakers squeaking on the marble floor. I never dreamed that I would get to stay in such a luxurious place.

While I waited for the elevator, I fumbled for my phone to check my sister's apartment number. Room 1036, top floor.

My excitement grew with every passing moment. Lani moved to the Bahamas more than a year ago, and I missed her terribly.


The elevator doors opened. I stepped inside and pushed the button for the tenth floor. Soft jazz music played as the floor ascended beneath me. I smiled to myself. It was so cliche, and yet somehow necessary for a fancy apartment complex.

It wasn't long before I reached the tenth floor. I rushed into the hallway, searching for Lani's apartment.

32, 33, 34, 35... 36!

I dropped my tote and rapped on the wooden door. On the other side, feet pounded on the floor.

"I'm coming!" a voice called.

I grinned, the anticipation building until I thought I might explode. The door swung open, and my sister threw her arms around me.


I buried my face in her shoulder, breathing in Chanel with a hint of home-baked cookies.

"Oh my gosh, Kiara! You're finally here!" she exclaimed.

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