Chapter Seven | Time to Pre-Party

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The tidal bugle called in the distance just as I emerged from my rocky sleep chamber. Cramps squeezed the muscle up and down my legs so that every slow kick to stay afloat burned. Fatigue clouded my thoughts, and hunger raged in my hollow stomach. Flowers probably weren't enough to sustain all the physical activity I was doing. At least today was my last day of this. Tomorrow, I'd be back on solid ground, able to rest without moving my arms or legs and enjoy human food.

A ray of disappointment flicked in my chest. The underwater Kingdom was truly beautiful, and in just three days, I had made several new friends. Everyone was so kind and welcoming, and they genuinely wanted to spend more time showing me all the intricacies of their world. Part of me wished to stay a little longer. After all, this was a once in a lifetime experience. It wasn't every day that you met a mermaid.

But a single word had the power to change that sentiment: Lani.


I jolted from my thoughts as Catilli swished into the room.

"Good morning," I said.

Catilli dipped her head in acknowledgement, though she said, "You mean good tides. We don't have morning and night here."

"Oh. Good tides."

"It's actually mid-tide now."

My eyebrows shot upward. "Really?"

No wonder I was so hungry.

"Yup." Catilli made her way to a wooden chest by the dining table. "We'll have to eat our second meal quickly so we can start getting ready for the party."

I hauled myself toward the table. Pain clawed my shoulders with each stroke. If there was anything I learned from Oamer, it was that I was drastically out of shape.

Catilli reached into the chest of food and pulled out three shells. "Here you go," she chirped as she handed me two.

I stared down at the shells, one with three remaining terew flowers, the other with chunks of white fish.

"Why two?" I asked.

"Those few terew flowers aren't enough to sustain you down here. We can get more in several tides, but we don't have time before the party."

I deflated at the news, but said nothing. My fingers trembled from a lack of sustenance as I placed a piece in my mouth. The poignant, fishy flavor engulfed my tastebuds, and the chewy texture made my stomach churn. I shoved a terew flower into my face to mask the flavor. The lightly herbal sweetness helped, though salt lingered on my tongue.

"Catilli, do you eat anything else down here other than fish?" I hated to be rude, but I thought I might vomit if I had to eat one more bite of fish.

"Of course!" she exclaimed. "We also eat kelp, algae, and seaweed. Would you like some?"

I sighed. My choices were either to eat slime and rubbery meat or pass out from exhaustion.

"I suppose so."

Catilli plopped a green blob over my fish. I ate it in one bite, and the mass gradually slipped into my stomach. The salt ended up numbing my taste buds, so that the fish didn't taste as strong as usual.

Huh, nifty trick. I made a mental note to remember that for future reference.

Energy seeped into my veins, clearing the earlier mental blockage. Now, if I collapsed, it'd be from soreness and not a lack of food.

"I'm here," a voice announced. Lira appeared in the entrance with three other mermaids, one of which held a silver trunk.

"Hey, Lira. We just finished our second meal," Catilli said. "Once I clear the table, we can begin getting ready."

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