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I sat at the kitchen table, my gaze trained on the white wall in front of me

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I sat at the kitchen table, my gaze trained on the white wall in front of me. My body was numb. I couldn't think; I couldn't function. My brain had turned off. So I sat there, calmly inhaling and exhaling, letting my mind rest.

A ringing jolted me from my trance. W-what's that? I turned my head in the sound's direction to see my phone vibrating on the kitchen island. I pulled myself to my feet and hurried toward it, feet tripping over each other.

"H-hello? Who's calling?" I asked.

"Hey, Lani, this is Victor Gough."

"O-oh." Victor was one of my co-stars in the movie. I had finished filming all but one scene prior to Kiara coming, a scene that was primarily dialogue between Victor and I. The Director had phoned me yesterday, telling me that he couldn't put off filming any longer. I agreed, but secretly, I doubted I could even remember my lines.

"I was hoping we could practice for the shoot tomorrow. It's been a while since we, um, practiced."

I glanced at the analog clock mounted over the sink. The hand pointed to ten o'clock, though it seemed like it was only a few minutes past eight when I had woken up.

"Of course," I said with a yawn. I turned around, eyes scanning the room for my script. It had to be around somewhere. I had just gotten it out yesterday after the Director contacted me. Or had I just thought about doing that and never got around to it?


The voice on the other line caught my attention. "Yes?"

"I was just asking you where you think we should start."

"Oh, uh...maybe the page before." I hurried into the living room to look for my script. My hands brushed aside piles of mail on the coffee table, lifted care-baskets from the floor.

"The page before what?"

"My...line." I raised the velvet cushions on the divans, only to find a few pens and a peppermint.

Victor was silent on the other line. "That's a different scene."

"I...know." I pushed the cushions back into place. "I just thought it might be nice to get into the scene."

Victor paused while I darted back into the kitchen. "Alright."

The drone on the other end of the phone faded. I massaged the back of my sore neck, desperate to remember where I left my script. My eyes ran over the granite counters, the kitchen sink piled high with dishes, the table littered with last night's pizza box and three empty coffee cups from this morning. How could I have been so careless as to misplace it?

Careless...just like I was with Kiara. I was so irresponsible to let her go swimming alone. Now she was gone.

Maybe she's perfectly fine and on her way home.

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