Chapter Seventeen | Helping Paw

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The pile of almonds Virgo had shelled in the forest clearing taunted my hungry stomach. My claws weren't nimble enough to transport them to my mouth without dropping to the ground. Only a few hours passed since I woke up as a dragon, and I already hated it. I felt clunky and useless.

Virgo placed a straw bowl in front of me, then turned back to her assortment of fruits and veggies collected in baskets nearby.

"How about a strawberry?" she said.

My mouth watered just looking at the plump fruit, red skin taut and unblemished. Already, I could taste its perfectly sweet juice. My claws pinched one and slowly raised it to my lips. At the last moment, my claws wiggled past each other, and the berry slipped onto the grass. I let out a grunt of annoyance. The dragon's own body couldn't satiate my new monstrous appetite.

You just need to take charge, the dragon's voice said.

That had nothing to do with this, I thought.

Sure it does. You can eat the food off the ground.

My nose wrinkled.

Come on, it's not that bad. Desperate times call for innovative solutions.

I focused on Virgo. She glanced between the baskets of food in front of her before finally reaching for a handful of kale leaves. "Here, eat this. It's easier to pick up than the berries."

I stared at it. It was far from a replacement for strawberries. I remember Lani once made us a kale power bowl for breakfast. Despite all the spices, herbs, and bacon she added, nothing could mask the bitter, crunchy taste of kale. After that, we both agreed to stick to cereal, toast, or pancakes.

"Uh, I think I'll pass," I said, hoping to gracefully decline.

"It is very important for dragons to get lots of calcium in their diet," Virgo insisted. "At a minimum, you should eat four cups per day."

My heart sank, and so did my appetite. Four cups of bitter veggies were more than I could bear. "It's okay, I'm not really hungry anymore."

"Then you must eat it tonight for dinner," Virgo said. "It is vital that you keep up your health, otherwise you really won't be getting back to your sister."

I sighed. She was probably right. I couldn't get back to Lani if my health was deteriorating.

No, it's gross! the dragon screamed.

That settled it. If eating kale would get me away from this dragon sooner, I'd do it.

What, you don't like me? the dragon whined.

No, I told it.

The dragon harrumphed, but I ignored it. I never asked to have some voice in my head bossing me around. I was just fine the way I was, no matter what it thought.

But you're so timid! the dragon said. You need to—

Be quiet! I commanded.

The dragon chuckled to itself. Now that's what I want to see.

I started to roll my eyes but stopped when I noticed Virgo watching me. She said nothing, but her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing." She went about gathering all the nut shells and fruit peels that remained after the meal. All I could think was that her expression did not mean "nothing."

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