Chapter Twenty-Three | Gemini

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Wind whispered through the trees, cleansed my scales of the sticky island humidity. I paused on the forest path just long enough to wipe sweat from my brow, then quickened my steps to catch up with Dranesh, Abido, and the two warrior companions—one male, one female. Their long legs took wide strides, likely to make up for all the breaks we'd taken.

My breath came in sharp puffs as we weaved between nut-brown trunks. When we first set out on our journey, after a hearty breakfast of stewed meat and vegetables, the sun peeked over the four volcanoes ahead. Now, orange light glared through leaves at our back, the culmination of its arc across the sky. It's no wonder my muscles screamed with each step.

The others seemed unphased by the hours of travel, padding onward with relaxed stances. A few times, Dranesh glanced at me from the front of our procession, lips curled in a sneer. Abido wasn't much better. A grin crept onto his face every time we paused for a respite. I supposed it was humorous that I, a mighty dragon, had trouble matching their human pace. But they were probably accustomed to long distances. The warrior's lean muscles spoke of intensive training, and Abido frequented the Gemini's volcano. In contrast, I nearly failed my physical education class in high school, and my dragon legs weren't as strong as my wings.

The trees thinned, opening to a mound of gray rock. It was the first volcano to ascend, though I felt like I'd already climbed ten. Dranesh stopped in the narrow clearing just past the forest, drinking from his wooden water flask. I plopped onto the grass and took a sip of my own tepid water. I wished for an icy beverage, like my sister's homemade strawberry-lemonade. That'd be my first food request once I returned.

Almost there. Yonder two volcanoes awaited deliverance from my dragon body. So close, yet somehow, so far. I turned to Abido, seated a few paces away, eyes trained straight ahead.

"How much longer until we get there?" I asked.

"Not much." His eyes didn't budge from the volcano's crest.

The craggy rock towered over us. It seemed much further than Abido claimed, and another lay beyond. I sagged at the thought. I wasn't sure how much further I could physically walk.

You can do it, Kiara! the dragon said. Just a little bit further, and then you can go home.

The dragon was probably right. I just needed to push past the mental weariness.

Abido took a swig of water, then swiped his hand across his mouth. "Ready to keep going?"

I hauled myself to my feet and joined Dranesh and the warriors at the mountain's base. Abido marched past us, grabbing hold of a notch in the rock. His hands knew exactly where to grab to scurry up the cliff. Dranesh and the male warrior went next, a little slower and more shaky. The female warrior motioned for me to go in front of her.

My claws wriggled into the rocky grooves. One arm reached for the next crack, pulling my body upward. My feet grappled for a ledge before stabilizing. Each strained step was deliberate. I couldn't fall now, not when I was so close.

"You're much stronger than you realize." Virgo's words echoed through my mind, sending power through my veins. I grabbed and heaved up, air in sync with the motion.

Step, step, exhale. Step, step, exhale. Step...

Pain shot through my claw. A yelp squeaked from my lungs, weight shifting to my left paw. My grip loosened. My body was an anchor dragging me to the ground.

Let go, Kiara, the dragon whispered.

What? Are you crazy?

Tears welled in my eyes. My muscles burned, pressure mounting in my arm's socket.

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