Chapter Eighteen | Xenolith Curses

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I drove an ax into the rock in front of me. Only a tiny crack slithered through the surface. My claws squeezed the wooden handle of the ax as I raised it for another blow.

How could I have been so gullible? I knew something was wrong with Catilli and Lira. Why didn't I just insist on leaving?


I should've just trusted my gut. I should have been looking for an opportunity to sneak away!


Why did I get so entranced during the ball? That would've been the perfect time to sneak away! I could've asked to use the restroom or something and then just left.


But nooo, I had to get so wrapped up in all the dancing...


And excitement...


And...Nitov and Kao.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

I paused for a breath. A bead of sweat slid down my forehead.

Why did they have to play with my emotions like that? I didn't care for them that way, but I thought they, well, liked me—opposed to wanting to marry me for their own selfish gain.

Murderous marriage.


Though Kao didn't openly propose, I was sure he would've gotten around to it. He was a merman, just like Nitov. He could become a shape-shifter, just like Nitov.

I'll bet that's what he wanted to tell me while we were dancing.


And then, if that weren't enough, I was stupid enough to insist on heading home on my own. I should've known something would go wrong. I should've waited for Pisces.


I just had to get swept up in that darned storm!


I was so close to Lani. I was so close to home!


And then I had to get bitten by that spider.


How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't I just trust Virgo? I never should've left the cave.


Maybe all of this could have been avoided.

I shouldn't have swum too far from shore.

The ax grew heavy in my hands. I released my grip. The metal edge clattered against the boulder. My legs buckled, and I crumpled to the ground, face in my paws.

The dragon stepped out from under the shrouds of my mind. I was too weak, too fragile to push him away.

You may have gotten yourself into this mess, but you can still get home, it reassured me. The Gemini will transform you back into a human.

Yes, but—

No buts! the dragon interrupted. Come on, girl, you're stronger than this! Don't let your past cripple you in the present. You've got a job to do! Now get back on your paws, and smash that rock like it's nobody's business!

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