Monstrous Part 2

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A/N- I'm back !!! I'm almost done with season 4 for this and will stop writing this till season 5. I will edit and I changed the Merisha chapter so go check that out.

I think I'm gonna write a Aiden story following the seasons since I was asked to. Thanks for being patient and awesome. I love you guys. Enjoy the update!!!


"I don't know, I barely talk to her " I tell my dad as we stand in his office. "If anything was going on with you that I didn't about, would you tell me?" he asks looking worried. "Of course daddy" I say feeling guilty.

"Follow me " he says as he drags me to an interrogation room where Meredith is seated at a table and Parrish is in the room.

"Try to be quick because Peter should be here soon" My dad says."Peter Hale?" I ask and he nods. "She said she would only talk to you two" he says and I nod as he shuts the door. I slowly take a seat at the table and she looks up at me.

"Sofia" she says breathlessly and I slightly smile. "Hi" I say and she gently places her hand on my cheek. "I'm so sorry" she says as tear leaves her eye.

"Why are you sorry Meredith ?" I ask and she sighs as she cries a little harder. "Somebody had to be chosen" she whispers and give her a look of confusion.

"Why did you do what you did?" I ask trying to change the subject but it doesn't work. "I never wanted to hurt you or anyone for that matter but somebody had to be chosen" she whispers again.

My heart starts racing at her choice of words and I slowly lean forward. "Who was chosen?" I ask and she leans forward whispering in my ear "You" she whispers sitting back in her seat.

"Chosen for what ?" I ask. "I don't want to say anymore" she says shaking her head. "Please" I beg as she starts to cry, "I can't say anymore" she says and I sigh.

"I need to know" I say and she looks at me with sadness. "You were chosen to die" she screams and I drop to the floor.

I feel blood coming out my ears and Parrish runs over to me helping me up as blood comes out of my nose too. I feel really light headed and confused.

Parrish walks me out of the room and to my dad. "Are you okay?" he asks worried and I nod. "I want you to go straight home" he says and my eyes widen.

"But dad I want to hear what Peter has to say" I protest and he sighs. "Go home and stay safe, you heard what she said. I need to get to the bottom of this but I can't with you hear" he says and I nod as I walk out of the room. I exit the station and walk home. |

What did Meredith mean I'm going to die. But then again she is a banshee so she would know. How am I suppose to die? Will it hurt? All these questions circle around in my brain. I mean, if somebody told you that you're going to die and that it is basically your destiny then what would you do?

Basically these are my life problems: I'm going to die soon, my boyfriend isn't talking to me, Assassins are trying t kill me and my friends, I haven't really seen Der-bear , Lydia and Stiles aren't together and Stefan Salvatore is so dumb that he can't see Caroline is perfect for him.

Talk about a major crisis. I walk up to my house and open the door. I shut it and turn around only to come face to face with the prick I call boyfriend. "Hey" Liam says and I shove him to the side not in the mood to hear his excuse.

"Sofia, can you just hear me out?" he asks as I sit on the couch and turn the TV on. Liam being Liam steps in front of the TV and crosses his arms and I groan.

"Your mama was no glass maker, now move" I say and he ignores me. I sigh and toss the remote to the side of the couch.

"What do you have to say that could possibly not make me want to hit your little werewolf ass with a school bus?" I ask and he sighs sitting down next to me.

I look up into his blue eyes and see regret and worry. He grabs my hands and interlocks our fingers. " I'm sorry" he says and I laugh humorlessly.

"That better not be it. You've ignored me and don't answer my calls. I get hurt at a party trying to save you and you don't even bother to see how I'm doing.

When I first met you Liam, I wasn't sure if you would repair my heart or break it more but it looks like you're starting to show your true colors" I snap and he sighs.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you when I should have been helping you. I'm just... scared" he admits and my eyes soften.

I guess I never really thought about Liams feelings and how he was handling all of this. "I am too" I say and he sighs."You're the bravest girl I know. You act so tough and brave" he says and I laugh.

"I'm not tough Liam. I deal with bad situations by being sarcastic.I act brave because at the end of the day everyone need to know that at least one of has the courage to face whatever new baddie comes into this town.It gives the others hope that we can deal with anything and still come out on top" I say as a tear leaves my eyes.

"I'm just a coward" I whisper looking down and he grabs me chin lifting it up. "You're not a coward you're a hero.

You're my hero" he says and gently presses his lips to mine. We stay like this just kissing and enjoying each others embraces, not wanting to let the other one go.

He eventually pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "I love you Sofia Stilinski" he says and I smile. "I love you too, Liam Dunbar".

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