Coming clean

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Do you ever look in the mirror and feel like the person you see is not the person you use to be ?

I stand in my boyfriends mirror looking at my reflection. I feel like I'm starting to lose myself. I know I act brave but I'm just a teenage girl that is now a Merisha. I'm so scared but I have to put on my big girl pants.

If my mother was here right now she would probably tell me to embrace what I am and beat the odds but what If I can't? I need help. What if I dont have what it takes ?

I open my hand and a flame shoots up scaring the crap out of me. I sit there playing with the fire and it was actually pretty easy. if I just focus on it coming out it will and my eyes are the same way.

I called Deaton and explained the auras that I feel and he said that I'm a Merisha then. I haven't told Liam yet because he has more important things to worry about now.

I take the flame in my hand and shoot it accidently setting Liams towel on fire. "Shit!!!"I say stepping on the towel.

Liam walks in to see what's happening. "I'm sorry, I'll pay for it"I say and he laughs.

"Don't worry about it just be more careful"He says taking my hand.

"I've got to go to Deatons again for some help with this but I will see you later"I say grabbing my stuff and heading out the door before he could oppose.







"You ready?"Deaton asks me and I nod. I take my hand an open it. "Feel the power. You control it, don't let it control you"he says and me being me says "Yes, Master Splinter". "As a Merisha you can control elements such as Water, air, fire and earth. It could be a while to you learn to use any other elements so we must be patient. I want you to learn how to control it. You are a natural so it shouldn't be hard"he says and I nod stepping forward.

I open my hand again and this time it shoots out of my hand about to hit the wall but I focus on it coming back to me and it does.

"What if I dont get all elements?"I ask.

"I'm not sure"he says.

"You must understand that you are a weapon now, people are going to use you for your gift and you can't let that happen"he says and I nod.

At this point thinking of the Frozen song Let it go because it is perfect for my situation.

"I'm going to head home now"I say and he nods.







"Where the hell have you been?"Stiles asks as I walk in the house. He hugs me but I don't hugback.

"Please Sofia, I'm sorry. You are my little sister and I love you to bits and pieces. You're my Ying and I'm your Yang. We have been through everything together. Ive already lost mom, I can't lose you too"he says with tears in his eyes.

I hug him back. "I still don't forgive you but I'm willing to work on it"I say and he nods.

Scott eventually comes over and we come clean with eachother. Telling eachother everything including the fact that I am a Merisha.

"No matter what happens we are going to get through this, we always do"Scott says squeezing my hand.

Boy, was he wrong. Only if he had known ...

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