Smokes and Mirrors Part 1

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"Dad, Scott and Kira have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico. I think that's a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico" Stiles tells our dad as we stand in his office at the station. "Okay, even if Deaton is right about this the best thing to do is to go through the proper channels" my dad says and I groan. "Dad" Stiles and I say.

"That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, border patrol, putting out a all points" dad says. "Dad I can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices okay. Someone needs to go down there right now find them and rescue them" Stiles says.

"Preferably us. They are our friends and the longer we sit around doing nothing, the worse the chances are of us getting them back here safe and alive" I say.

"I'm going" Stiles says. "I can keep you both from going" dad says. "We will find another way" we both say. "I can throw you in a cell" dad threatens. "Can still find a way" Stiles says.

"We get that you love us and don't want us to get hurt but if anything happens to them and we could have done something to prevent it then I will never be able to forgive myself" I say.

"Please just give me a little more time to verify something slightly more concrete then a psychic vision by someone with a third eye" dad says. "Look I will call every law enforcement agency, all they way down to South America If I have to. If nothing turns up then I'll book three flights to Mexico, we'll all go. Okay?" dad asks.

"Okay , great do I get a gun?" Stiles asks and dad gives a funny look. "No" he says and I laugh as dad walks away. "I can get you a gun"I say to Stiles and he eyes me. "I don't even want to know" he says and I shrug. "I'm bringing my baseball bat" I say and he groans. "Do you always have to copy me?" he asks. "I do not" I say.



"Here try that"Stiles says as he grabs a shirt from Scotts closet and throws it at Malia who starts to sniff it. "Fabric softener" she says and I groan. "All the clothes in the closet are clean" I say and Stiles runs to the bathroom.

Malia and I run in to see Stiles pull a pair of dirty boxers out the laundry basket and Malia and I look at eachother. "Come on Malia, take one for the team" I say patting her back. "Remember Scott's life is on the line" my brother says as Malia grimaces.

She turns around and grabs a pillow off Scotts bed. She smells it and gives us a nod. "Yeah, that works too" Stiles says. "Come on, we don't have much time to waste" I say as we run out of Scott's room and down the stairs to see Liam.

"Uh, Liam go home. You're not coming with us" Stiles tells him. "Why not? If Sofia gets to go then so do I. She can't defend herself on her own" he says and I give him a look but he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead as an apology.

"Because it's a full moon and I don't feel like driving to Mexico just to have you rip my throat outt" Stiles says and I glare. "Don't be mean to my boyfriend" I say and he rolls his eyes. "Lock me up right, keep me down in the backseat or something" Liam says.

"You tore through the last chains remember" Malia says. "Yeah we would have to freeze you in Carbonate to get you there" Stiles says. "Okay then where do we get Carbonate?" Liam asks and I laugh. "You're cute when you're dumb" I say.

"Seriously, what do you see in him?" Stiles asks as he turns to walk out the door. "Wait,what if we out me in the trunk?" Liam asks as he stops us from leaving. "No way" I say. "You'd get out of that too" Malia says.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf for over five minutes. You don't have to do this" Stiles explains. "I know but I want to. There's got to be bigger chains, trunks or something. There has to be" Liam says desperate to help. "Maybe there is" Stiles says and I smile.



"There they are" I say as I see Braeden with a van coming into the warehouse that we are in. We all get out of Stiles jeep as they park. "How'd you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asks Braeden as she walks towards us.

"I'm a U.S. Marshall" she says. "And I'm Beyonce" I say. "Yeah right, I thought that was just a cover" Stiles says as she just stares at us. "You really bringing him?" Derek asks pointing to Liam as him and Peter get out of their car.

"Yes we are, is there a problem?" I ask stepping next to Liam. "You really bringing him?" Stiles asks as he points to Peter. I stiffen a little at th sight of him. I'm no longer comfortable with him. The whole dead pool was his idea .

"We're bringing everyone we can and considering Scott and Kira were taken before a full moon we should probably get going " Peter says. "What's that mean?" Malia asks. "If Kate took Scott to the same Temple she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter asks.

"I highly doubt she's gonna make Scott a younger version of himself. Kate may be crazy but she certainly doesn't lack originality. Kate likes to be somewhat poetic. She has something different planned for Scott, I can feel it" I say and everyone looks at me.

"Since when did you become and expert on Kate?"Peter questions. "I observe and I've been observing you too" I say bitterly. "She wants to make him younger?" Liam asks making me roll my eyes. I'm gonna teach Liam how to agree with everything I say.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf" Derek suggests and I nod. "That does make a lot more since and it's the best assumption that we've got" I say.

"Werewolves can't steal a Trua Alphas power but maybe a Nagual jaguar with the power of Tezcaptlipoca behind her ...maybe she can" Peter says and I eye him suspiciously. How does he know all of this?

"So if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going" Peter says and I roll my eyes. "We can't, not without Lydia.


A//N: Okay, I decided to split it into two parts like usual.

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