Smoke and Mirrors Part 2

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I sigh after everyone decides that we don't need Lydia. What of something bad is happening to her or she's hurt. "Remember what we're dealing with here. It's not just Kate it's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume there's any humanity left. Oh. This little one is terrified of them aren't you" Peter says looking at Liam and I glare defensively.

"Leave him alone or I'll send you back to the gates of hell" I threaten and Peter smiles. "Don't worry my friend, it is that fear that will keep you alive. Reminder to everyone, you do not fight Berserkers to survive" Peter says as I walk with Derek,Stiles and Liam to the back of Braedens van and we get in.

I look at Stiles to see him a bit nervous, most likely about Malia having to ride with Peter. As we start to drive Stiles and Derek chain Liam to the van. "All good?" Derek asks. Liam tries pulling the chains to make sure they don't break easily with his strength.

"Okay. I brought something to help you" Derek says to Liam as he pulls something out of his pocket. "This has been with my family for centuries, it's a very powerful supernatural talisman. We use it to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon" he says handing the talisman to Liam.

Derek gives Stiles a look as if he's suppose to say something and Stiles nods. "Yes it's powerful" he says clearing his throat and I roll my eyes. Something I seem to do a lot when I'm with my brother."Very powerful" I say.

"You know, Liam that you have me to help. I am here to help so whatever you need I can help" I say to Liam not really sure on what I can do for him in this van but words of comfort can go a long way.



My eyes snap open to the sound of chains clinking and grunts. I sit up and look at Liam who is starting to turn. "Whatever you were gonna teach me... I think you better start" Liam says flashing his eyes a golden yellow at Derek.

"Liam, you with me?" Derek asks as Liam breathes heavily and I bite my nails nervously. "We have a mantra that we use .You repeat, you focus on the words. It's like meditating You say the words until you feel control coming back to you " Derek says and I go to put my hand on Liams leg but he jumps up making me jump back. "Okay. Okay, okay! What are the words?" he asks.

"Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something. " Derek says to Liam as he looks at the treskelion in his hand.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega." Stiles and I say at the same time.

"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. Betas can become Alphas " Derek says. "Alphas can become Betas" Stiles says .

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asks and I nod. "All you have to do is say the three words and with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Go ahead" Derek says to Liam and he looks at me. I nod to him letting him know it's okay.

"Alpha, Beta.." Liam starts. "Slower" Derek says. "The slower you say it, the faster it will work" I say to Liam. "Alpha...Beta...Omega. Alpha..Beta...Omega" Liam repeats. "Good. say it again. Remember every time you say the words you're getting calmer" Derek says. "Alpha, Beta...Omega." Liam says starting to wolf out. "Say it again" Derek says.

Stiles starts to put his legs up on the bench and I glare. If he acts afraid it will only make things worse. "It's not working" I say. "Derek I don't think that the powerful talisman of self-control is working" Stiles says. "Thinks captain obvious" I say to him as Liam starts grunting and his eyes turn a golden yellow once again.

"Liam say it again, for me. Please" I say to him as he growls and I slowly get of the bench and lean towards him. "Please Liam" I say putting my arm on his leg but he cuts it and I fall back hissing in pain. He starts shaking the van and I start to panic. "Liam" I yell as he breaks the chains.

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