Chapter 8

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There was a meeting on Wednesday before the event this weekend, where Derik and the crew had to flesh out some things before it went live. Jee Hae seemed to already be there with the other member. When Jason and Derik walked in the restaurant Jee Hae takes a good look at them.

She seems pretty upset at this sight but does not pay too much mind because of the work that had to be done. The meeting went off without a hitch and everything seemed good to go when it came to the weekend. Everyone had a delicious meal.

At the end of the meal it was only Jee Hae and Derik left. Jason ended up leaving early due to a phone call and their other member needed to get off to work. Jee Hae looked at Derik as if trying to figure something out. She looks around the restaurant to take note on who is here and knows whatever happens she needs to keep her cool.

"Derik, what the hell is going on?" She starts up talking in Korean.

"What. What do you mean what is going on?" Derik responds.

"Well, I thought we were going to pursue something together. You lead me to believe that I had some chance at dating you." She explained.

"I do not know when I lead you to believe so. I thought I did make it clear we were not going to be a thing. I think that two people in a relationship who are obsessively jealous is going to be disastrous. " he responds hoping that she understands.

"But we went on that date. The dinner, the movie and even ice cream after. I know I did not misunderstand. We had such a great time" Jee Hae says.

"That was to thank you for what you did at Rosewood. That is what you asked me to do. I am not sure what more you want from me. I am sorry Jee Hae. As you know Jason and I are kind of dating." He responds trying to be easy on her knowing how horrible he has been in the past.

"Why Jason.. why" She raises her voice. "Why not me? Why could it not be me"

"I do not know how to answer that. I felt no sparks between us. How am I supposed to answer that." He asks.

"This is not how this was supposed to turn out." She picks up her glass of water.

"I am so-" Derik wasn't able to finish before Jee Hae throws the water in his face.

"Just screw you Derik." She gets up and runs out the door crying.

Derik was so stunned at what just happened. He grabbed a napkin and starts to wipe off. He keeps thinking to himself "Did I do something wrong? I swear I didn't lead her on." He gets up after paying the check heading out the door. He sends a text to Jason about the whole transgression, shaking his head.

The Event is finally here and everyone seems to be having an enjoyable time. Derik as the Autocrat is running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make sure that everything is going off without a hitch.

This is Derik's last event as Monarch and it was a relief. He was looking forward to not having any amtgard responsibilities that he did not volunteer for. He knew his last speech he would have to give is at the feast where he would give out final awards and other things before passing it off to Jee Hae, who was elected as Monarch.

Feast was packed with people from nine parks. It was one of the biggest events that Mystic River had ever thrown. Derik was waiting patiently as everyone was piling in and getting food. He had gathered all his awards to hand out.

Derik stood up in front of everyone to make a speech. It was generally done concerning their reign to all the people who made things possible:

"It has been six months since I was asked to take the position on Monarch. I was pretty green when it comes to Amtgard but if i had not stepped up the park would not have one. It had been such a fun time. We had our rough spots and our fun spots. We brought people into our group, some new and some old. It really has been a good reign. I did not run for monarch next term because I would like to go out and play without all the obligations, We are lucky to have an experienced person who can lead Mystic Seas to new heights. So after I give out these awards please welcome your new Monarch of Mystic Seas, Dame Spring."

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