Chapter 7

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Two months have passed since the fountain where Deriks phone shattered. After receiving a replacement phone Derik had tried calling Sarah days after with no luck. No one knows or is telling where Sarah is.

It is a month before the end of Derik's reign. They have been planning this event for the last couple of weeks due to the decision to make it a multi-day event. Just behind the crafters, there is a picnic table where Derik, Jason, Jee Hae, and another man was discussing what is next.

"So that's it then. Jason, you will check on the Venue. Jee Hae, you will check with other groups to see if we are going to get other people. I think that's it for the day. Thanks, guys, go and have fun." Derik says as he is closing up a notebook he was writing in. "Jason, can we take a walk."

"Sure, lead the way," Jason Replied as he was getting up.

Derik leads Jason with him back to the bleachers on the football field. He sits down fidgeting with his hands. Jason sits down beside him and looks at the field.

"It seems like forever since we were on that field." Jason comments.

"Yeah. I come here often when I am feeling down to remember all the good memories it brought me. Its where I met my best friend" Derik responds putting his arm around Jason's shoulder.

"So you needed to talk?" Jason said adjusting the way he is sitting.

"Yeah. It has been over three months since Sarah left. I do not want to give up on her, she really is one of a kind. I just think if she gave up then maybe it's time for me to move on. I just want to know. Am I doing the right thing here? I never even got to tell her I love her." Derik explains as he looks down in shame.

"It is a tough call Derik. You love the girl. I still cannot get used to that. I am surprised you did not know from the get-go. Anyway. You love her but you have to take care of yourself man. You have been walking around like a zombie." Jason smirks "I know you have money because you hate spending it, but how has it been long since you last worked? Have you even worked since Pacwar?"

Derik looks down at his feet and then back up towards the field.

"No, I keep going through my head at why she left like she did. What did I do wrong? Is she ok? I spent the first two months searching for her." Derik shakes his head. "I even went to her work. It was extremely difficult to use her other name and confusing gender pronouns but they have not seen her, nor have her kids heard from her. Maybe I should just forget her. She can come back on her own, I cannot wait forever like I did with Emily."

"Emily, that's a name I have not heard in quite some time. You were so caught up in the idea in high school you were going to see her again. Whatever happened to her." Jason inquired to Derik.

"I don't know. The last I heard of her is when she called me from the airport. She was going back to her own country. She is probably in Korea still married with a good husband. I hope he is good to her." Derik lets out a short laugh and a smile.

"My advice, dude. Move on. If she has not come back for you now, she won't come back. By your own words she basically abandoned her life." He says to Derik.

"You're right. I am just going to move on. If I see someone I am attracted to, I am going to grab on and not let go." Derik smiled.

They both sat there for the rest of the Amtgard day. They were not really bothered by anyone. They spent the day staring into the football field as if time had stopped.

Fighting on the field again Derik seems as happy as he has been in quite some time. With his reign ending soon, he won't be required to do extra work so he can enjoy the fighting much more then normal.

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