Chapter 11

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Looking at Emily both Sarah and Derik freeze in place. People on the field seem to be fleeing away from the scene. From Derik's radio a call can be heard "We have two people who are being held up with a gun. Call the police now". Jason comes towards the scene but keeps his distance.

"I went through so much effort to have you Derik. I came back to America, forsaken my family, my forced marriage and even tried to hide Sarah away for months on end just to have my chance back with you. You still choose her." Emily says in Korean.

"Emily, let's talk about this." Derik says as he pushes Sarah behind him.

"See you are protecting her. The thing is, it's not her I want to use this on. It's you! If I cannot have you No one can." Emily says.

The loud crack of the gun going off as a bullet starts flying through the air. The sound of people yelling about getting out of the way and people screaming can be heard. Derik ends up going to the ground as Sarah pushes him out of the way of the bullet. A split second later the bullet pierces just above her heart.

"Emily what are you doing" Jason yells looking towards Derik and Sarah.

Jason notices Derik on the ground and runs up to him.

"Are you ok?" He says then yells "I need a Medic over here"

Derik feels around himself and seems like he was not hit. He smiles at Jason.

"I am alright" At that second he realized what happened.

Sarah stood there in shock holding the area where the bullet pierced. She pulled her hand away to look at it. As she sees the mess of blood in her hand she lets out a laugh.

"Sarah.." Derik yells as he dives to catch her as she falls to the ground. "Sarah! Can you hear me? You are gonna be alright."

Jason screams for help.

"Too bad, the bitch got in the way and got what she deserved." Emily responds to the situation.

Rage fills Derik's face as he looks at Sarah. She was beginning to become pale.

"Jason get someone now" He yells crying.

Derik sets Sarah down knowing if he does not do something, then Sarah and him are dead anyway. He walks up towards Emily with pure hatred in his face.

"Are you happy? Would it make you happy to kill me?" He says to her slowly walking up to her.

"Yes, no one can have you. You promised to wait for me but you lied." Emily responded.

"Ten years have passed and you expect me to wait longer. You are the one who lied to me. You are the one who didn't come clean. What makes you the one who decides my fate or even Sarah's. Emily do you realize you just shot someone and they may die. Is that really what you wanted." Derik explains.

A moment later the medicrat comes running up to Sarah. They try putting pressure on the wound as much as they can.

"No back away from her, let her die like the trash she is" Emily yells.

Emily has the gun shifting between Derik and the medicrat. She seems to know exactly what she is doing. She knows at this point her life is completely over and she does not seem to care.

"No, lady. I will not let her die" The medicrat says pulling out more cloth to cover the wound.

"What are you going to do? Shoot us Emily. You won't be able to get out of here and with multiple bodies there is no escape." Derik's face continues to turn red with rage.

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