2 ~First time~

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Y/n's POV

"Welcome to south korea miss bae." Jin young greeted me and i let out an uneasy smile. he gestured me to sit down and i did.

"There's no need to bring your bodyguards i assure you our building is very secure."

"It's my sister who insisted." i said with a chuckle and i could of sworn i saw rosé roll her eyes upon hearing 'sister'.

"Ah this are my collegues please introduce yourself."

"There's no need Mr. park i know all them." i said with a gentle smile.

"Do you?" he asked curious.

"Who wouldn't know the women who help you expand your clan. trust me they seem... trustworthy."

"Excellent. And please don't call me Mr. park. jyp or jin young would do."

"Ofcourse jin young." i said and lightly bow having my eyes scan twice and blackpink.

"Now enough with the introductions and let's go to business. why did you call me out here?" i asked in all seriousness.

"Straightforward i see." he chuckled and sat down across me.

"I heard that you are in need of weapons. guns armors bullets and all. i can provide you with any kind if you agree with my condition."

I raised my left eyebrow in amusement. no such news could of reached her unless he has ties in america.

"And what's that?" i asked having both my hands rest at my knee.

"You blackpink and twice will have to have a partnership..."


"Yes..." i said through the phone as i rub my nape with my other hand.

(Are you fucking kidding me y/n? don't take the damn deal!) irene whispered.

"I need weapons irene. without them our clan would fall. i have to take the deal."


"Just trust me on this one. i won't let them take advantage of my kindness again. i swear i'll be fine."

There was a long pause of silence as i get nervous by the second. irene never trusted my decisions.

(This one time. one time y/n.)

She hung up leaving me relieved. i let out a deep breath.

"Get my car ready to go." i said to one of the two men and he nodded leaving.

"You follow him and make sure you'll be here faster."

He nodded and followed the guy.

"Leaving so soon?"

I turned around to see jennie behind me. i gulped and nodded maintaining my posture.

"Shame... i thought we could catch up." she said and leaned on the railings looking at the sky.

"I have time. what do you want to talk about?" i leaned my back against the railing looking at the opposite side of jennie.

"The past our lives. how you've been." she nonchantly said that got me to smile by instinct.

"I've been great. You?"

"Been better but still fine."

"How about the others? how are they?" i asked out of curiousity.

"good but could've been better if you talked to us these 6 years."

i looked at her and she had a blank expression while looking up. i sighed.

"Jennie i-"

"Miss bae the car is ready." my bodyguard said behind me making me cuss silently.

I closed my eyes for a second and turned around. "call my sister to tell her i changed my mind. i'll be back in 3 days prior. i'll be at the car so just wait for me."

he nodded and walked away again.

I turned around ready to talk but when i did no one was there. the only thing i saw was the sliding door being closed and someone walking the other direction.

"I really do miss you..." i whispered and turned around following the paths.


Jennie's POV

"How is she?" Jisoo asked beside me and i just shrugged scrolling through my phone.

"I saw you talk to her jen." jisoo whispered in my ear and i just sighed.

"She didn't say anything. i overheard her and she said she'll go back to america in three days. so much for forcing her to stay here." i said

"She'll come back. or we will go to america. jin young did say he wants to make a collaboration with us." Jeongyeon said while she was driving.

"Let's hope that irene won't come for our heads."


Y/n's POV

"Yes we have a deal Mr. park." I shook his hand happily and he smiled in approval and excitement.

"Good to know miss bae. jihyo and jisoo can talk to you about the plans. i have to make some arrangements first."

Jihyo and Jisoo stood up walking towards me with an uneasy smile.

"Here read this thoroughly." Jisoo handed me a two page paper.

One thing caught my eye that made me question this whole deal.

"What do you mean i can't negotiate with other clans? how the hell can i expand my resources then?" i bursted looking at the paper.

"I don't know either. the same rules apply to us." jihyo said.

"Shit." i said and grabbed my phone. "Hold on i'm going to call someone."

i stood up and moved farther away from them as i dialed irene


"Irene i don't think i can do this."

(What do you mean? you've been practically begging me to let you take this deal.)

"The contract said i can't make deals with other clans. i have to cut my ties with you."

(What?! Y/n i swear if you still-)

"I'll handle this just sit there and wait for me."

(You'll... what?)

"I don't want to cut my partnership with you. don't worry i'll handle jin young and the others."

(Wait y/n-)

Before she can speak any longer i hung up walking back to jisoo and jihyo.

"So?" Jihyo crossed her arms waiting for a response.

"I'll take the deal."


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