6 ~Help~

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Y/n's POV



I smiled brightly and turned around as i have the phone on my left ear. "I need your help."

I heard her laugh. (We haven't talked properly since i met you and this is what i hear?)

"I'm sorry." i laughed. "But seriously i need help though."

(Why what's wrong?)

"It's my sister- before you say no i'm desperate and she is not in the right mind to make decisions."

(Don't worry i'll convince the others... but what's the problem?)

"It's better to say it in person can you take a plane here in the u.s?"

It became silent for a few seconds that got me worried. i really want to see her again.

(Sure when??)

"Tomorrow or the next day probably it's an urgent matter."

I crossed my fingers  waiting for an answer.

(We'll be there y/n. i've got to go and book a flight yeah? i'll call you when we're leaving. bye y/n.)

I can feel her smile through the phone as did i. i jump up and down like a kid trying to contain my excitement. after a few seconds i realized i was still on the phone with jihyo so i stood up properly clearing my throat.

"O-okay see you then."

I hung up and closed my phone smiling.

"Jesus can't wait to see them eh?" I heard a voice behind me and saw yeri sitting there. i laughed and shook my head.

"Can't wait."


No one's POV

"Irene don't you think y/n's right?" seulgi asked on the couch besides irene who has her eyes closed.

"About what?" irene asked in the softest voice she could ever utter.

"Don't act cute right now. about our wedding. it's in 4 days yet you don't care about Jackson's possible appearance."

Irene sighed. "We have no choice. Sure there's a chance that he might ruin it but there's also a chance he might not."

"Fine i trust you on this one bae."

"You better do seulgi~ssi."


"Tzuyu? Where are you?" y/n asked as she got out of her car while wearing her sunglasses instead of her specs.

(We just got out of immigration. on our way to the exit.)

"You better want to hurry up tzuyu. my sister will wake up in 5 hours and i can't have an explanation about why i'm gone in this hour."
Y/n leaned on the side of her car waiting.

Tzuyu chuckled as she pulled her luggage across the aiport. (Relax it's just a few seconds walk.)

"And i take about hours to explain something so hurry up." Y/n smiled brightly as she looked directly at the doors waiting for her friends.

(We see you i'll hang up now.)

Before y/n can speak tzuyu already hung up. she chuckled and took off her sunglasses. she saw the sliding doors open and all of them walked together.

This caused y/n to smile while she has her arms crossed. but she might look calm on the outside her heart beats faster than normal.

"Finally let's go i'm starving." y/n opened the door for them.


"You want us to what?" Lisa who almost choked on her food said.

Y/n tossed her a table napkin and smiled innocently.

"I want you to cover the grounds in irene's wedding venue. you know like guard the whole place and all." y/n took a spoonful of her food as she smiled like nothing is wrong.

"The wedding is in 2 days so you have plenty of time to study the venue. i have an apartment ready for you and you can find anything you need in there." Y/n handed out a key to the said apartment And jisoo took it.

"I'll text the address right now let's just eat as we discuss."

"Wait... why? as far as i know no one is a threat to you and if you want protection you can just order your clan or something." Jeongyeon asked her and she has her plate untouched, clearly suspicious of y/n.

Y/n smiled and shrugged. "Extra precaution. this is the first private yet famous event i'll be attending so too many people might want to butt in. i have many enemies from around the world. i won't let them touch my sisters' wedding."

"Yet you call us to travel here just so we can protect your sister and her fiancée?" Sana asked who already ate her whole meal.

"Exactly." y/n smiled but her hands are closed to a fist. she was panicking that she might expose the fact that Jackson is back and might kill all of them.

"Good then... we'll do i-" Jihyo started but jennie spoke interrupting her.

"You're hiding something." She spoke bluntly and loudly for everyone on the table to hear.
y/n frowned at her a little like a lost puppy.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked dumbfounded.

"You can't just call us to protect someone who threatened us. let me remind you your sister almost killed my friend (Nayeon) back in seoul. Irene almost killed all of us. what's stopping us from not agreeing to you?" Jennie raised her left eyebrow testing y/n.

Y/n let her hands open and her smile faded.

"My sister did a lot of things to you i get that. she was doing it to protect me. She worries about me just like how you worry about one another. like how you worry for Mina when she got in a car accident. so don't blame her it was all my fault. if i didn't got caught up with all of you she'll not shoot nayeon that day. If you disagree with me it's fine. You can use the apartment if you don't have a place to stay."

she called a waiter and paid him the expenses.

"I might be a brat in the past but i can change. don't blame my sister because all she wanted was to protect me."

"Your sister-" jennie started again to argue but y/n cut her off raising her voice a little.

"Irene is all i have. she's the only one i trust besides all of you. She's been here for me ever since i was born. I couldn't of have survive through the years without her. i'm just asking that you'll help me protect her in her special day. it's the least i can do. if you want anything just tell me and i'll get it right away." Y/n gulped in nervousness.

Everyone was silent and couldn't speak. y/n looked from left to right to see them thinking about this situation.

"We'll do it don't worry y/n." Jennie said nodding a little for assurance.

Y/n smiled again. "I already gave you the key to the apartment. i placed a car key in the said apartment and you can use it to go the the place. again i'll text it to you so do whatever you want first."

"I really need to go." Y/n checked her watch and sighed.

"I promise i'll find time to talk to all you but today isn't a good time."

"Go we'll be fine." Chaeyoung said that made y/n smile.

"See you tomorrow."


Hehe saranghaee~~

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