11 ~End?~

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" Sung jae shouted and even clapped in front of me getting me out of my own head.

"S-sorry what were you saying?" I sat back up properly trying my best to listen.

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out every second." He asked me and Jackson was silent probably still hurt by the fact Sung jae punched him.

"Yeah just a lot has been in my mind. you were saying?"

"I haven't seen joy in months now... What if she hates me as much as she hates Jackson? what if our plan will fail by then?"

"She doesn't hate you- in fact she loves you so don't worry about that." I said assuring him. when I realized i said love my mind goes straight to twice and blackpink. my heart beats faster.

"How do you know?"

"I might of bumped into her while searching for my best friend a few years back." I confessed

"Really?" Sung jae asked amazed.

"Yeah." i chuckled. "Joy talked about you and your insecurity... i'm guessing she didn't know Jackson manipulated you back then."

"Jackson is right here." Jackson stood up sitting down on the table

"Oops." I said and laughed.

"None the less, we can do it. We just have to get you to talk to Joy and convince her that she won't kill Jackson anymore and we're all good."
I said and they gave out an uneasy look.

"Let's hope that Joy isn't as stubborn as me." Sung jae stated.


"How many times have i said that i don't need back up? Joy is harmless and i'm pretty sure we can handle it." I shouted at my- apparently new assistant.

"Yes ma'am." She hurriedly left the room leaving me in my office stressed.

My door was wide open and i could sense someone was standing there even with my eyes closed.

"What is it Jisoo?" I asked keeping my eyes closed whilst i lean on my chair.

"You certainly look well." She mockingly said and i heard footsteps get closer.

"I've been well." I opened my eyes and saw her flashing me a smile.

"Are we coming tomorrow?" she asked me

"If you guys want too it's your choice. I'm guessing you'll go with me since Joy is your friend." I asked and she nodded.

"It's been a while since i last saw her."

"I haven't even seen her in like... 6 years 7 years?" i thought of it

"Has she been well since the last time you saw her?" Jisoo asked curiously while sitting down in front of me.

"Ecstatic. Like a whole new world has been set for her... I don't know how she found out about Jackson and that turned her whole life around."

There was a brief silence but then this words came out of my mouth without me knowing.

"Is sana alright?"

Jisoo looked up to meet my eyes. I couldn't be wrong and i saw the hurt in her eyes.

"She's fine... She told us about you knowing"

"Yeah and i don't blame you." I smirked and she gave me a confused and knowing look.

"Why not." She asked

"Well i am beautiful and successful." I boastfully said making her laugh.

"Oh god that attitude doesn't fit you at all y/n." she laughed once more

"It made you laugh." I shrugged with a smile. I like seeing her happy and laughing. it makes me wonder why there are people out there who wants to hurt us. we're just kids who's trying to solve our lives


"Great." I whispered when I saw irene by the other side of the diner.

"You didn't know she was coming?" Dahyun asked beside me and i shook my head.

"Nope." I got my sniper ready and aimed at the diner for look out.

"You ready sung jae?" I asked through the walkie talkie... don't ask why i didn't use our comms it was all Jackson's idea.

"I guess..." He spoke through his earpiece.

"Remind me why i agreed on using a fucking walkie talkie?" i asked

"I don't know ask Jackson he convinced you to." Sung jae spoke and i saw him fixing his outfit like he's going on a date.

"Sung jae you're meeting your ex not going on a date with her." Lisa said and i swore i heard someone laugh.

"Exactly... I'm meeting with my ex." He sighed and walked towards the empty diner.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked dahyun beside me and she shrugged.

"What the hell?" Irene spoke and i saw her looking inside the diner using her sniper. I looked through mine and saw Jackson holding Joy hostage in the kitchen.

"Sung jae stop!" I said through the talkie. he stopped walking and took cover like he knew what's going on.

"Jisoo!" I shouted. She was running towards the entrance without a doubt. I disregarded my sniper and position and went running to Jisoo who looks like she's about to kill Jackson.

"Who's idea was it to trust Jackson." Irene said making me curse in annoyance.

I manage to hold Jisoo's arm and pull her down for cover. we heard a gunshot inside the diner making my heart beat fast.

"You shouldn't of have trusted me y/n! look where it got you!" Jackson shouted his voice nearing our position.

"Jackson let her go!" Sung Jae warned him.  saw sung jae holding his gun tightly and his sweating badly.

"Not a chance." Jackson muttered.

"Y/n get in here." He ordered but i didn't move. unsure what to do.

"Get in here ir Joy's head is gone."

I stood up with both of my hands raised.

"Y/n what are you doing?!" Irene shouted and i ignored her.

I slowly opened the doors and went inside with my hands still up in the air.

"Y/n..." Joy said in happiness but also worried i'm here.

"He's here." I said to joy with a smile. She gave out a small smile.

"Enough." Jackson ordered and pointed the gun at me.

"I know that everyone in every corner is having their guns pointed at me in every direction. If they even shoot one bullet i'll kill Joy or maybe even you." He pulled the safety trigger

"Don't you dare shoot her Jackson." Irene said and i remembered i still had the talkie attatched to my waist.

"Or what?" Jackson asked and he inched his finger closer to the trigger but i didn't move.

Irene stayed silent she's probably pissed or worried. or both.

"You let my father suffer y/n..." Jackson said out of the blue.

"He needed a job for his family. you humiliated him in front of many people and kicked him out of your hotel for your reputation." He inched closer to me still holding joy.

"He needed the money so that his son and daughter can eat properly for just one night." his voice broke making this harder for me.

"Then kill me... If i really do deserve death then do it." I pulled my gun out and threw it far away from me. i took off my vest and it dropped on the floor.

I looked him straight in the eyes and grab hold of his gun tightly. I pointed it at my chest as i looked at his eyes coldly.

"If you really hate me that much then end my life right here right now." I whispered

I heard a loud bang and everything went dark.


Yay i updated early than usual!!! I'm so proud of myself guys🤣

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