3 ~Myoui Mina~

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Y/n's POV


"Mina... can we talk? not on the phone but in person? i really need to talk to you."

There was a long pause of silence like she was considering it. god i hope she is.

(Sure. when?)

"Now. i know it's sudden but my flight leaves in like-"

(It's fine y/n we can meet at the park where we hung out.)

"Great i'll be there right now."

I hung up and breathed out in relief. i smiled brightly and went outside to go to the rental car and drove to the park.

Mina's POV

"It's fine y/n we can meet at the park where we hung out."

(Great i'll be there right now.)

She hung up and i can't help but smile at her antics. my head went low and remembered she was leaving today.

"You okay mina?" I heard momo asked beside me and i nodded with a smile. i stood up.

"I'm just going to the park momo i'll be quick." i quickly stated and left the room with my car keys in my hand.

I got inside the car with an active smile and beating heart. i put my phone on the passenger seat and drove off. i was excited and happy to hear that y/n wanted to see me. how can i not? after almost 7 years being away from her is torture but now i get to talk to her. no more irene threatening us no more fear. it's like it was never there.

My phone started to ring. i looked to my side to see it was Sana calling. i looked up to the road and extended my arm to reach my phone. once i got my hand on it i answered quickly.


(Mina where are you?)

"I'm going somewhere for a while." I smiled thinking of y/n.


She sounded so concerned and worried that got me thinking.

"At the park. I'll be quick i swear." i assured her with my right hand on the steering wheel.

(Just... be safe.)

I chuckled. "I will-" before i can finish off my sentence i saw a car heading straight to me. i panicked and let go of my phone gripping on the steering wheel with both my hands letting my phone fell to my lap. i swerved to the right hitting a curb that made me fall on the edge.

(Mina?! Mina what's going on?! Mina answer me!)

I heard sana's distant voices and i felt like floating. soon my car hit the ground and so did i. i felt my head throbing and my arm hurts as i went all over the place. soon everything went dark.


Y/n's POV

I paced back and forth and checked my watch. it was almost 10 in the morning and my flight leaves in 30 minutes. my phone kept ringing non stop but every time i check it was from my guards probably worried.

I gulped nervously and checked my surrounding to see no one but a guy walking with his daughter. i smiled instinctly and looked away feeling anxious. mina should be here right now.

I checked my phone to see it was only filled with missed calls from irene and messages from the guards. i rolled my eyes and leaned on the ledge staring at the pond peacefully.

As i did so my gaze went on the father and daughter having a smile on their faces. chasing each other like no one was watching them. i smiled at the two. i never experienced fatherly love. so i don't know how to love my own daughter/son some day. if i want to have one that is.

My phone started to ring in my hand. i checked to see it still wasn't mina instead it was seulgi. i sighed. i checked the time to see it was 10:15. 15 minutes until my flight.

Maybe she won't show up. maybe she realized i wasn't worth it. i nodded in defeat and answered seulgi's callings.


(Y/n! where are you? your bodyguards said you aren't with them!)

"I'm fine i just got caught up. i'll be back there in 13 hours." i stated as i got inside my car and turned on the engine.

(You better be. Irene is worried as hell.)

i chuckled and punched the gas. "She shouldn't be. got to go seulgi i've got a flight to catch."

I hung up and had a weak smile on my face thinking mina would want to talk to me. why would she in the first place? i left and never came back without a word.



"I'm here i'm here. now go to the plane i still have 10 minutes. i need to go to the bathroom."

They both nodded and did as they told. i felt someone watching me from afar. i rolled my eyes and walked inside the comfort room seeing it empty. i turned around and waited for the person who was following me to come in. i've got nothing to lose anyways.

Soon the door opened and it was Lisa. i frowned and stood up straight.

"Lisa? what are you doing here?" i asked concerned. she isn't suppose to be here in the airport.

"Y/n... it's mina..." she said worriedly. i gulped and stare at her waiting.


"Move!" i pushed through the crowd who was standing in the middle of the hallway. i heard someone calling for me from behind and i ignored it as i walk back to the parking lot.

"I'll meet you there y/n!" lisa said as she ran to the opposite side and i just nodded. as i finally got out the airport i ran to the car i used earlier and drove fastly not caring what other people say.

'Mina please be alright...'


Sana's POV

"The letter did said watch out." i said as i grip on the paper.

"What if someone did this to provoke us? like irene?" Tzuyu suggested and i shook my head.

"How? y/n told irene she shouldn't worry anyways." jeongyeon said and i nodded in agreement.

"Let me see." Chaeyoung took it from my hand and read it out loud for her and dahyun.

'Hi twice and blackpink. miss me? because i missed you surely. it's been years of peace ain't it? watch out and be safe for what's to come.'

"Wendy maybe?" Jennie said and we all went silent.

"Didn't irene took her from us on that day?" rosé said and we all went silent again having no idea on who it could possibly be.

"Where's Mina?" i asked realizing she is no where to be found.

"She said she's going out. i forgot where." momo told me and i nodded taking out my phone and dialed mina's cell.


"Mina where are you?" i asked worried but i tried to hide it.

(i'm going out for a while.)

"Where??" i asked now concerned about her safety. she should be here right now.

(At the park i swear i'll be quick.)

"Just... be safe." i said releasing a huge amount of stress on me.

She chuckled. (I wil-) i stood up from shock at the sudden noise.

"Mina?! Mina what's going on?! Mina answer me!" i shouted desperately.

I keep hearing distant noises and crashing that got me worried. the other line went dead and i threw my phone on the ground in anger.

"What what's wrong?!" Nayeon asked me curious and concerned.



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