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Y/n's POV

"Yeri." i said and she ran to me hugging the life out of me. i chuckled and hugged back.

"You idiot!" she whispered and punched me on my stomach making me wince in pain. i laughed and groaned in pain.

"The wedding is in like 5 days and you still have no suit to wear."

"That's what concerns you?" I asked still holding onto my stomach as we walk through the airport in seoul.

"Yes! plus he might be lurking around so be cautious."

"Yes ma'am." i mocked her and she hit me on my side using her elbow making me Yelp in pain once more.

"Stop hitting me gosh."

"Then stop being annoying gosh." Yeri mocked the way i said gosh the made me roll my eyes smiling.


"Y/n!" seulgi squealed in excitement and ran to me. she hugged me mostly jumping at first and landed on me. i laughed and returned the embrace.

"Be careful irene might get jealous over there." she pulled away and laughed hitting me on my arm.

"Y/n." irene called out to me and gestured me to follow her.

My smile faded and excused myself following my sister through the corridor.

"Irene-" as we stopped by the patio she turned around and hugged me tightly. i chuckled and did the same.

But ofcourse being irene/my sister she had to ruin the moment.

"Yah! why do you keep slapping me?" i shouted and held me redden cheek from all the slap i recieved.

"It's because you deserve it idiot." irene rolled her eyes and went back to her original expression.

"Seriously? Jackson could be lurking around anywhere and you manage to call me an idiot?" i snorted and started to lean on the ledge.

"You want an apology?" irene sarcastically asked but i nodded seriously.

"Really? fine." she faced me. "I irene ba-"

"Bae joohyun." i cutted her off earning a glare from her but i nodded gesturing her to continue.

"I Bae Joohyun apologize for calling you y/n kaylee bae an idiot." irene rolled her eyes and i laughed.

"Even if it's true." irene whispered the last part making me snort.

"Any news from him yet?" i asked changing the subject.

"Not yet. yeri being paranoid came back so that isn't a good sign."

"Are you still on with the wedding this week?" i asked hoping she'll say no. don't get me wrong i would want to see my sister get married already but i can't bare the fact that someone might ruin it.

"Yes the wedding is still going."

My eyes widen and i looked at her in disbelief. i scoffed.

"You're kidding right?"

"Y/n seulgi isn't fond of the idea either. even if it's a small cermony i just want to get married with her."

Uncapable of Love (Twicepink x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now