12 ~The end~

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No one's POV

"No!" Jisoo shouted and opened the door kneeling and holding y/n. Jackson has shot her and she was bleeding badly but she was awake.

Out of anger and shock the adrenaline came up in Joy's veins and she kicked Jackson in the groin he stumble aback and Irene shot him in the head.

Everyone came rushing down to check on you while doing so Sung jae called the ambulance for you.

"Y/n!" Jisoo shook your unresponsive body. She was freaking out and tears were flowing down her cheeks.

"Please wake up!" She begged more tears coming down.

Irene stopped in the middle of the door as she saw her sister on the ground with a low chance of surving. she immidiately ran to her not knowing what to do. her mind suddenly went blank and this angers her.

She shouldn't of have been to hard on her. that's what she believed in.

Jennie held on her arm tightly not wanting to break down on the floor begging whoever's out there not to take you away.

Jihyo's eyes is watery and her heart was crushed. she never got a chance to tell you she loved you. so she prayed to god not to take you away.

The paramedics came and they took y/n away rushing you to the nearest hospital with Irene and Jihyo Decision 8 inside the ambulance.

In all that time in the ambulance Jihyo never once let go of your hand. she desperately hold onto it as if it's her last.

"She's losing a lot of blood get her in the emergency room now!" A nurse said as soon as they brought y/n in.

Irene followed them up to the er but the nurses isn't allowing her to get in.

"She's my sister let me in!" Irene angrily shouted trying to get pass the doctor.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but you need to stay here and we will do everything we can to save her."

Irene groaned and stomped out the hospital probably to call Seulgi.

"She'll be okay." Nayeon said to herself while she watched the movement of the doctors trying to save you.

"Seulgi..." Irene desperately needed to here her wife's voice. She sat down on the ground with blood on her clothes and hands.

"Irene? What happened are you alright?" Seulgi stood up from her bed worriedly upon hearing irene's desperate voice.

"N-no... you need to get here now please seulgi." Irene let her tears fall enough for Seulgi to come rushing down to her car.

"Where are you?" Seulgi asked stepping on the brake.



"It's mine!" a little girl shouted as she pulled the blanket to her.

"No it's mine y/n, yours is over there."  The little girls' older sister pointed calmly at the other identical blanket they both adore.

"Oh..." Y/n said in realization and let go of her sisters' blanket.

"Thanks unnie." Y/n hugged her blanket while sitting on the couch as she watch cartoons on the tv.

The blanket was from their mom. it was gifted for them last christmas.

"Irene come here for a second!"

Irene smiled upon hearing her mothers' voice. she immidiately stood up and ran to her mom giving her a hug.

"When did you became strong?" Her mom said and laughed a little.

Uncapable of Love (Twicepink x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now