Lalisa Manoban ~Mine~ (Lisa stans)

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Y/n's POV

"Can you call Lisa?" I said and irene teased me and headed outside with seulgi.

"Hey you called for me?" Lisa smiled brightly making me fall for her even more.

"Yeah i just wanted someone to accompany me." I shrugged scooting to my right letting lisa sit beside me.

"does it hurt?" She asked

"I'm kind of used to it. people got scars and i have many." I shrugged

"You have?" She asked

"Ofcourse i have. i've been fighting my whole life for the people i care about."

"People get there scars cover up or are removing them... why aren't you?"

"Because it reminds me that i am not perfect nor good. it reminds me that i am not invincible, i'm human and that makes me happy."

"I always notice your scars when we're training i just had to ask."

"You were checking me out?" I teased her and she blushed and shook her head.

"N-no." She stuttered and looked away from my eyes. i laughed and sat up.

"I wouldn't mind that you were staring at me." I kissed her cheek and she whined.

"Stooop teasing meeee." She covered her face with a pillow and i laughed.

"I'm not teasing you. i'm just telling you the truth." I hugged her from behind and i saw her lips form a smile.

"You're doing it again." she said her hands still covering her face.

"I'll stop if you look at me." I said seriously and she hesitated but did it anyways.

"I'll never stop teasing you." I said and chuckled. she was about to talk, probably complain but i talked.

"Unless you can be mine?" I asked looking directly at her eyes.

Her face said it all. she was shocked and a hint
of happiness in her eyes. it gave me hope she'll say yes.

"Yes... ofcourse." She smiled and i chuckled hugging her tightly.

I felt her crying on my shoulders and i pulled away checking her to see if she's alright.

"Hey... why are you crying?" I asked wiping her tears preventing it from going down.

"I'm just happy." she uttered and i smiled kissing her cheek.

"Me too..."


10 months later.

(Babe where are you? i've been here for hours.)

I chuckled and put my hands inside my pockets shivering from the cold air hitting my body.

"I'm almost there i had to stop by in a store." I fidgeted with the small box inside my pocket and smiled widely as i walk through the streets.

(Hurry up i'm getting bored and it's our 10 month anniversary.) She said a hint of excitement in her voice.

"I know and i'm almost there. see you soon."

(Love you you better get here in 5 minutes.)

I giggled. "Yes babe i love you too."

I hung up and sighed relunctlessly before walking calmly through the night.

Me and lisa had a fight recently before our anniversary. It was a misunderstanding about some girl who keeps hitting on me and she witnessed how the random girl keeps touching me but i was too uncomfortable to push her away or atleast back off. Lisa almost ripped the woman's head off when i saw her pulling the poor girls' hair off before grabbing my hand and left the bar. She was furious and my drunkiness didn't help the situation. I only remember bits on that day. But i do remember the part where she kept screaming with tears on her eyes. she was badly hurt and i was drunk as hell. I woke up on my bed without lisa on sight. And right on time seulgi entered my room and i keep asking her where lisa was and she told me the whole story as to why she isn't by my side that morning. This happened 5 days ago and i managed to make it up to her a day ago. This was our anniversary dinner and the ring is my promise ring. you thought i'll propose huh? maybe after. after years pass.

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